Yes, the real problem is that someone else might stop people from starving.
Yes, the real problem is that someone else might stop people from starving.
You know that episode of Silicon Valley where the kid genius hacker admits he took down the bank on accident because he didn’t know what the fuck he was doing?
Bluest is Navy. Army and Marines swing fash.
medical student
Real Americans Want To Be Canadian
No gods no masters no mods because they’re very sleepy rn
I mean, that’s what I call brain rot, but fair enough. Most people use it to mean saying skibidi too much.
I’ll believe it when he casts a deciding vote. Until then it’s all for show.
Cold War brain rot?
I listened in on a conversation between two young male Kroger union members before the election (the store is unionized so maybe that was an assumption, it’s a right to work state…)
They both agreed they were voting for Trump. I can’t speak to their unspoken motivations but what I can tell you is they absolutely voted on vibes and didn’t have a goddamn clue what was coming for them.
I don’t know what brain rotted the Gen Z boys in a way that didn’t work on the Gen Z girls but I can tell you it wasn’t fake, those kids are not alright.
Maybe this will be Gen Z’s Afghanistan and Iraq, the events that push them left against Republican abuse, but I’m not sure they’ll have a chance when they’re getting a steady diet of algorithmic propaganda.
Of course, BitCoin is doing better than ever, and it will continue to rise while Russia is under sanctions and drives demand.
Unless you do what they call a “rookie move” and don’t keep a personal wallet.
Even when it started under Trump, notably as he sent out the first round of stimulus checks.
The ones he personally insisted be signed with his name, against the law.
I just wasn’t expecting a full plastic person! And I suppose they do say estrogen supplements are good for the skin.
Yes, in this sense.
Clicking the mechanism converts the manual input to a mechanical or electrical output.
If you pushed the lead down entirely by hand it wouldn’t be a mechanical pencil, which is exactly why you pushing or flipping a plastic cover into place entirely with your own muscle power makes it a manual shutter.
When you type on a mechanical keyboard, what, precisely, do you think is happening? Are you literally outputting a letter by pressing your finger down? For that matter, what do you think a mechanical keyboard does?
Fucking Google it.
I do love having to explain basic terminology to a relatively well educated yet stupendously deaf audience.
Really restores my faith in humanity.
We’re not fucking cooked, and the mental infantilization of the population is not complete.
TIL she’s 75.
Obviously she’s had some work done, but goddamn that is a lot of work.
People are dumb, and the only problem some people have with racism is that it can be directed at them.
You can show them where it is, but you can’t make the jackasses drink the water.
Y’all have fun sharpening your mechanical pencils.
Do you believe a ball is a mechanical system?
You can have a manual input to a mechanical system. For example, pulling a lever to operate a machine.
The typical distinction is whether it uses and translates the input through various mechanisms. Moving a shutter with your thumb is not a mechanical shutter.
Flipping a switch or pushing a button to do same thing could be. The manual input is translated to a separate output instead of the person providing the energy directly.
Did I explain this middle school vocabulary lesson to your satisfaction?
But there will be now