The sentient soda now drinks human blood from a straw.
After the intervention, Jesus knew he had to give up wine but he had a solution.
TFW the can has sharp edges.
Vampire soda, step 1 and 2
“how to refill your soda with hand ketchup”
At the beginning of each upkeep, lose two life and draw 2 sodas.
Saddam Hussein
SODA!!! =D
So that’s how they make La Croix!
Blood loss from a deep cut of the palm amounts to about half of a soda can.
JesuSoda has the everlasting refreshing taste of the blood of the Son of God that washes away the aftertaste of sin. Enjoy the blessing of Christ from our can to your lips!
6 OZes (about half a can of soda) is the ideal amount of blood to let in order to cure Hysteria.
All I wanted was a Pepsi
Solution to world thirst.
Step one of making a self refilling soda. Tip: Make sure the blood flows continuously so it doesn’t coagulate and ruin the taste.