Bitwarden for me too. Small price to pay. Signal is another and tend to chuck a few euros to lots of small freeware developers if I use their software often.
Bearded and often grumpy
Bitwarden for me too. Small price to pay. Signal is another and tend to chuck a few euros to lots of small freeware developers if I use their software often.
Around Black Friday time they have had sales and you get both for a year for around 20€ so the lifetime subscription doesn’t look so much of an attractive deal.
Seriously though not sure why all images are in this orientation. From where I am (South Germany) it’s actually upside down. Was told to rotate it 180 degrees as that the way it’s normally depicted…
Pisser isn’t it… ;-)
It blow my mind too. The scale of everything is just crazy. To think this is over 2.5 million light years away and the number of stars in it is about double the Milky Way. All the stars we see are closer and the galaxy is much further in the background. Just been watching a fantastic YouTube video about Andromeda and the whole space/time phenomenon is just mind blowing… What a time to be alive to be able to capture and see these things without specialised equipment… Amazing!
Used a sky adventurer 2i. (Brilliant piece of kit)
Many thanks.
Yeah done with a 200-600 telephone lens.
Thank you! Can’t wait for a clear sky to try some more. Next target will be the horse head nebula…
16:9 crop if it’s of use to anyone for a desktop wallpaper.
Thank you.
Thank you. I think it’s small in the sky and quite difficult to see. I used a star finder app on the phone; starting at 200mm until I found it then zoomed in and took some test shots at 600mm until it was in the frame. It’s still kind of a fuzzy blur in the frame. Then set it to take the images and it’s only once you stack the images and then stretch that the details really come out. It’s really great fun from start to finish. (My first edits were dreadful; learnt a lot through a discord forum on how to do the processing)
Yes, I had dabbled a bit with astro photography with wide angle lenses and thought the zoom might be too heavy for the mount. Used a Sky Adventurer 2 tracker and had to use an additional weight to balance the lens.
Really happy with the way it turned out.
Germany calling. Shot internet here. On my village (close to Ulm) telecom will give you a maximum 16mb dsl which in reality is around 8 down for 40€ a month.
Installed Starlink and get 150 to 250 down and 30 up for 65 a month.
I wonder how many injuries were caused. That stepping stone game must have broken it’s fair share of shins and teeth…
At work we had lots of old laptops, poor battery life, small hard drives, etc. I cleaned them up and installed pfsense on them and gave them to colleagues as home firewall/kid web filters. Others we popped xp on them and set up mame / emulator to give to their kids.
I use these guys. Been using them for a few years on and off and have friends using the service too:
Link is my referral code as it will give you some time free I believe and I get a referral bonus.
Currently live in Portugal and the rail network sucks. Talk of a high speed link through Spain but Spain doesn’t want to play ball. Central Europe has great rail but move to the edges and it’s absolute ass. (Have lived in Germany and France where the situation is much better)
To be fair I pretend to be my own secretary when answering cold callers… I urge others to do the same. You can get them running round in loops…