The Left
Oh, sweetheart…
The Left
Oh, sweetheart…
Seems like you just have an axe to grind about fat people. Protein is not the deciding factor in weight gain, calories are, so I don’t know why you think a link to the wiki page about obesity would be convincing that protein powder is snake oil.
Even when you coincide that it is relevant you dismiss with little justification. Also BMI is not a great metric for individuals, many that have a lot of muscle are measured as overweight because there is a lot more to bodies that height and mass.
Can you justify why protein powder is snake oil in line with the other things in the thread? I will grant that most people have more than enough protein in a regular diet, but stats about obesity says literally nothing about if powder can help your workouts give the results you’re hoping for.
Listen Jack, the schools need riot police to ensure the safety of their lawns.
Who said news? The mailing list is my k-drama
It seems like you are building on criticisms of LLMs and applying them to something that very different. What poisoned data do you imagine this model having in the future?
That is a criticism of LLMs because new generations are being trained on writing that could be the output of LLMs, which can degrade the model. What suggests to you that this fusion reactor will be using synthetic fusion reactor data to learn when to stop itself?
I’ve found the selling point in not needing to open excel and click around to run the script. So often people need to do like the same three things and don’t even know how to write Python, so giving them a script to drag your file onto is a step up from excel
4chan is a perpetual blight on memetic culture
I’m destroyed. I cut and pasted funko-pops to google it and check spelling, now I am a fool on the internet 😔
Yeah but how many different types of would I have if we didn’t have capitalism??
Very interesting, and thank you for the write up! Might be worth looking and preconfigured reseeds if I was to dabble in it, but generally I just don’t have use for powerful anonymity tools currently. Always rad to hear about the tech though!
So how does I2P work, I vaguely remember something about it like slowly building a network as you keep your own connection on, and that the architecture makes it much better for torrenting. Is it worth looking into and learning about or is it just slow bad internet?
Completely agree, and it’s obscene that this weird creep that made a stalking app for this college can now push industries with how much money he has in this amorphous value. But I just hope that people can be angry at these facts without being lost in a misunderstanding and think that half of all millennial wealth is one guy.
This is also true, just makes folks look silly when they think that half of all millennial wealth is one guy.
Most people misunderstand this stat, it is not that half of all wealth is Zuck, it’s that 2% of that 4% is his.
See it’s 4chan’s interpretation of the daily mail’s interpretation of some study. Definitely the best way to find rock solid info, especially when it confirms my bias!
I have corrected the one thing I know about immutable distros and am now furious with all others.
I was mostly joking and I might have been mis-attributing the delay. From the time’s I’ve had Fedora, including with KDE, if I update I have a pause during the next boot where I have to let the install finish before getting back to functional. My belief was that this was because the immutable system could not be running while updating, compared to non-immutable where a standard reboot works with a new kernel et al.
This is why fedora had a little bar after rebooting when I updated right? What am I a Windows user?!? This is the extent of my understanding of immutable distros and I am furious with them.
Do you know the person they were posting? I just assume anyone that does 5hr YouTube videos is unhinged, and having it linked from someone randomly on GitHub didn’t help my view of their followers. Finding the Unabomber confirmed it enough for me lol.