Philosopher doesn’t really understand what a LLM is
Now all these f*ing zoomers are telling me that I’m out of touch!?
Oh yea? Well, your fucking phones are poisoning your minds, ok?
Fine then, keep your secrets
It’d be a very different game if Link walked into the cave only to find an old man with his duck out
Be sure to use a filter if you’re a weirdo that doesn’t like pulp
Congrats! I can never do trees right, those are especially great
Bruce Peninsula area in Ontario Canada actually!
I lost to the same intrusive thought, got home in my socks
That is amazing, congrats!
Assuming it’s the same they do in Warframe, it’ll only be cosmetics that are only available with the premium currency. The premium currency is also tradeable, so F2P can get it without spending
The gameplay they showed near the start of Tennocon looked really intriguing game world wise. DE is fantastic at world building so it should be a treat!
And it’ll be free to play so nothing to lose trying it once it’s out