I look forward to seeing more, Inktober is a really neat idea. Might have to yry and scribble my own drawing put.
I look forward to seeing more, Inktober is a really neat idea. Might have to yry and scribble my own drawing put.
Currently have 26 ducks and one goose on my farm so I get it.
This isn’t a shit post, its the truth
As someone born in Texas it is disgusting how the attorney general of the state is able to disregard civil rights and abuse his office in pursuit of his political agenda.
I waited years for the feds to stick something to him only to watch his cornies let him off the hook for all his crooked deeds in a show trial. That was the day I knew democracy and Justice were only fairytails in the “Lone Star State”.
Glad I’m leaving this shit hole finally.
Paxton falsely claimed that immigrants were being given social security numbers at the border as part of the scheme, too. There’s no evidence of that, or that noncitizens cast ballots in any significant numbers.
Mainly brown water would be my guess, they an keep it to themselves.
Just keep your door shut.
I can only speak for Texas, but those stand alone “emergency rooms” are more of a scam than anything else. This year we had one refuse to assist my father (who was alone at the time) while he was having a stoke, instead the staff instructed him to get back into his car and drive to an actual hospital…while still having a stroke!
It sounds like many of the places in Texas mentioned in the article are those “emergency rooms”. We saw a hugh influx of those crappy places several years ago when they changed some rules regarding insurance. Its all a money grab.
Judging by the cloud reports, listening to the eclipse may be the only way most Texans get to experience it.
Is this what they meant about a “bright future ahead of us”?
My 8 year old nephew was kicking my ass yesterday at Ninja Turtles tournament fighter cause HIS random button smashing kept finding the special moves and MY random smashing barley found kick.
He was quite delighted in his triumph
Removed almost all advertising from my life. About the only stuff i see now is just bill boards.