I am getting so sick of this fucked up world.
I am getting so sick of this fucked up world.
Yes, in “medium blocking mode” ublock origin blocks those domains.
Yeah I get that as well when I don’t use ublocks medium mode. The crucial part here is the medium mode since that blocks youtbe.com and google.com domains by default.
Thanks for the info tho.
ok, thanks for the confirmation, looks like there is no option to achieve what I want.
I mean sure, but “to get the preview to work” means I have to globally unblock google.com and youtube.com which means all sites can track me at that point which I am not willing to accept. I think you have those two domains not blocked? Otherwise I don’t see how it could work, no matter if you use the “embedded option” in libredirect or not.
Thanks for testing it!
Hey, thanks for the reply.
I have exactly the same setup as you, I also use librewolf and all sites that have embedded youtube (or any embedded video) don’t work.
This one for example: https://www.androidauthority.com/hands-on-one-ui-7-home-up-3522949/
With medium mode enabled I just have a white space in the middle of the article. When I manually allow “youtube.com” and “google.com” the video loads.
Do you get a different behavior?
That’s what I want to do and was my initial question. How do I do that with medium mode enabled?
That’s what I am doing but it doesn’t work for EMBEDDED, which is the point of this post.
Not directly. If I select embedded in libredirect it uses invidious and for that to work I have to unblock the urls as well.
Wow nice, still using a Pixel 4a as my daily driver!
*edit: meh, my 4a is not eligible
Don’t know him and not really interested in the topic much but that was a fun video!
Exactly. You invoke it with xfce4-terminal --drop-down
If you set that as a shortcut in xfce, the first call will start it and recurring calls will show the running instance.
I am with you. xfce4-terminal in drop down mode is all I need!
If there is a feature you don’t know you need then you don’t need it.
That makes no sense. By that logic we would still be using horses since technically we don’t -need- cars. There are of course thing “you don’t know about” but would totally use if you were introduced to them.
Did you actually read the article?
They are cracking down on accounts that don’t label themself correctly as parody accounts, so they don’t impersonate someone.
Man I wish people wouldn’t just read headlines and start tying.
Why are garbage post like this upvoted?
The title has nothing todo with what is actually said in the linked article.
Can we please have some better moderation in this sub.
Happy to see some sane comments here. Couldn’t have said it better. You can hate ads and still keep a foot in reality.
Thanks Satan
Kagi is doing business with Yandex, something that might interest you: https://kagifeedback.org/d/5445-reconsider-yandex-integration-due-to-the-geopolitical-status-quo