Y’all should be getting a pay decrease, not a pay raise.
Y’all should be getting a pay decrease, not a pay raise.
“irresponsible you say? 😏” - Dem leadership
I said pushed, as in voiced it to the Democratic party to write legislation for it, and passed it if it got to him.
The DNC hates anyone remotely left of center and absolutely LOVE anyone right of center.
He’s talking about this now because he doesn’t have morals. If he gave a damn he’d have pushed and passed this within his first year. This is just him trying to get some headlines before he happily steps aside for the fascist to come in and reverse it.
Letting Putin, xi, and Kim Jung un see what he’s offering them if he wins
Madame President Mamala Harris, thank you for making the correct choice.
If she picks Tim Walz, I will call her Mamala. I will refer to her as Madame President Mamala.
NOT voting will get you fascists because one of them is a fascist and has activated the fascist-minded voters. The other may not be the best, but it’s way better than blatant fascism.
32% of Americans don’t understand the constitution.
That makes no sense. How is our economic system highly controlled in the US? Corporations run rampant, with scant regulation compared to some places like Europe.
A government’s size being big doesn’t instantly equal less capitalism if that government doesn’t do as much as it could to reel in corporate interests.
Case in point, our government here in the US is big but is controlled by corporate interests to such a degree that despite knowing about human made climate change since the late 60s, basically nothing has actually been done about it. Or how whenever there is any push for even a public option to live alongside private insurance, insurance companies go into overdrive running ads and paying politicians to push back against it so it never gets brought up after an election season.
Capitalism is a system of economics. It can exist with or without a government also existing.
80’s-action-hero-MC syndrome is so prevalent in our culture it’s not even fucking funny.
No, they quit a friendship because I’m not 100% on board with guns. I’m fine with gun ownership and all, but I think we do need some restrictions on who can get firearms, what firearms are available for civilian use, and I’m pretty with strict background checks and stuff. They view those things as infringing on 2nd amendment rights.
I’ve lost friends over it. Like, years long friendships. All because fuckers care more about fucking guns than the people who had their backs through their personal shit.
He should have been pushing this shit 2 years ago when roe was overturned. The absolute fucking stupidity of Biden and the Democratic party is astounding. They’d rather dangle carrots in your face than give you the carrot and say “there’s more to come if you keep us in power”.
She’s so pathetic. Her little giggles between sentences were just… wow. She just loves getting praised
That’s not him. the pic is a troll that immediately regretted spreading his own pic and posing as crooks.
Unfortunately the rock must be sacrificed for the good of us all. 😞