Hungary first!
- Title: The salary of Viktor Orbán is the highest in the European Union, if we compare it to the gross average salary of the country’s population
- Left column: Yearly gross salary of the head of government in Euro
- Right column: As a proportion of average annual gross salary
- Middle column is the list of head if governments, their respective country is in parenthesis.
- Footer: Source: Wikipedia, Eurostat, research by Átlátszó
How to read country names in Hungarian: Remove the accents, replace SZ
with S
, remove ország
from the end (it means country
) and usually you get something similar to English or the native name of the country.
“Irregular” ones:
- Görögország - Greece
- Lengyelország - Poland
- Olaszország - Italy
- Németország - Germany
Infographic is from the Hungarian NGO newspaper/think tank, (Átlátszó
means transparent
in Hungarian)
You can try to read the full article in English with google translate (afaik deepl doesn’t have a feature like this):
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