Two of Silicon Valley’s famous venture capitalists make the case for backing Trump: that their ability to make money is the only value that matters.

    6 months ago


    I’m voting for Harris to stop Trump, as I would have done for Biden again, as I did do for Clinton at an empty polling place, as I would for a baked potato to rot on the oval office desk for four years if it was the only candidate against fascism.

    But let’s not get it twisted, I do this out of harm reduction precisely because greed and greed worship are our sole PRACTICED national cultural values. The small number that have too much, and the legions who fantasize about being the immoral, exploitative, sociopathic bastards instead of breaking the wheel.

    If they weren’t, we would have pulled the owners out of their towers and l guard gated golf clubs decades ago for what they’ve done to us and our children.

    And we’ve used our state department and military to propagate our greed disease for decades. We are patient zero for the greed rot of the developed world.

    I wish we weren’t, I wish we’d change, and I wish the vast majority of Americans didn’t laugh Occupy Wall Street off their occupation, but like it or not, and I despise it, We are the United States of Greed.

    But if you’d like to argue that that isn’t all we are, we can talk about the role our national pastime, shooting eachother, has in our national ethos.