I currently host a couple small wikis for worldbuilding information, but the hosting provider for that is going down in a few months, so I’m looking for ways to self host what I got.

I’ve never self hosted with Mediawiki before so this is brand new to me, I’ve already spent a couple hours messing around with Docker but haven’t gotten too far into that. OS is Manjaro/Endeavour Linux between two systems.

Not necessarily looking to host it online immediately to start with, though in the future I’d like to do so when I can get the proper hardware preparations for it, but for now I just want to host it locally to get it set up.

  • Jamie@jamie.moe
    2 years ago

    I would say MediaWiki is one of the most painless web installs I’ve used. Put it in a directory with the right permissions, give it a database, and you’re basically done. If you want to configure things in a custom way or add plugins, that might take longer than the actual install.

    But for a barebones wiki? Really painless.