I’m sorry but if you’re claiming to be undecided on Trump in 2024, BULLSHIT.
I’m not Racist but he makes GOOD POINTS about NIG I mean Haitians!
Here’s a Republican and conservative news editor letting one slip
But he was on a tv show!
And he helped that cute little Kevin in Home Alone!
I JuSt WaNt ChAnGe
These morons who make their decision based on last minute rethoric instead of a proven track record of delusional megalomaniacal lying racist misogynistic partisan behaviour are the reason the country is in its current state. It’s like forgiving the person who raped your daughter because he offered to buy the family dinner.
Went to a local fair today in rural NC, and they had an entire tent set up for mark robinson. The self avowed nazi who wishes slavery was allowed, and who rails against abortion, but paid for one himself. that mark robinson. He had a tent, and it wasn’t actively being set on fire or run out of town. The man posted on the comments section of a porn website about how he wanted slaves, and how he likes trans porn, while being a huge transphobe.
It’s hard to take the right seriously in any way. They’re just a bunch of clowns.
Did you.walk in, and loudly sieg heil a few times with a snappy salute just razz the team up?
I saw this recently and would like to point out that this is actually from last election.
But what about the third option??? You know, the circus carnie who pops up every four years, who says she is against both the surgeon and the clown, and who tries to lure people into voting for her because she’s got sass and moxie.
There’s another part to this, and the renowned surgeon makes it a bad metaphor.
It’s more like: “You have a choice for your surgery. On one hand, we have a trained surgeon, on the other hand is a circus clown.”
“What are the surgeon’s credentials and record?”
“Well… they have a reasonably good record in other kinds of surgery, but and they’ve shadowed a surgeon who has done your surgery before. I won’t lie to you and say their record is perfect, though, and some of the practices and techniques they use draw serious criticism from various world health organizations.”
“And the clown?”
“They have more experience with these surgeries, but the vast majority of the people who underwent these surgeries have died. In fact, he shows flagrant disregard for even the most basic and accepted sanitary standards in the medical community.”
“But some people did live, right? So he can’t be all bad.”
“Occasionally he was part of a surgical team, and in those cases the rest of the team managed to keep the patient alive. And again, your other option is a trained surgeon.”
“But a shitty surgeon with no experience.”
“A questionable surgeon with limited experience. Or a clown who kills those he commits surgery on more often than not.”
“I can’t believe these are my only two options. When you said I had a choice, I thought it was a real choice, but it sounds like you’re just trying to force your surgeon on me. I think I’ll wait until another round of surgeons is available.”
“You will probably die before the next round of surgeons is available.”
“Honestly, I don’t trust your judgement over what’s best for me. I’m sitting this one out.”
Undecided doesn’t always mean who you vote for, sometimes it means whether you vote.
Still dumb not to vote, though.
Yes mocking people into voting for your guy is totally valid political campaign tactic 🤡
I agree, but this doesn’t actually specify which party is the 🤡 . That being obvious is not MY fault.
Oh my god 💀
Voting for either is the clown exercise as it supports the regime and provides their rule legitimacy.
Privilege in action
Jokes on you if you vote for Trump after you said that. Imagine the horror on people’s faces when their brain tripped over it’s own web of shit logic.
They’re more likely to vote for a useless 3rd party or not vote at all. When Trump gets the EC votes of their state (assuming their actual voters which I highly doubt) by a couple hundred votes they’ll shocked Pikachu face for 4 years (assuming this isn’t their actual goal in which case they’ll laugh at the rubes who fell for it).
I just assume that’s their goal and they will vote MAGA, like all the other regulars who spend all day in here campaigning on Donald’s behalf.
Why would I ever vote for the regime?