Kris Kristofferson, a Rhodes scholar who became a superstar songwriter, singer and actor, has died. A family spokeswoman says Kristofferson died at his home in Hawaii on Saturday.
He was a highwayman.
Along the coach roads, he did ride
He flew a helicopter onto Johnny Cash’s lawn to try to get Cash to listen to a song he wrote. It worked, but he wouldn’t suggest doing it.
I knew it would happen, and I’ve been fucking dreading it.
I’m just glad he went in what seems to be as good a way as anyone can hope for.
Still fucking hurts.
I met him once and we played a little bit and he taught me the music to Desperado. He is very very nice and kind. At least to me he may later be a serial killer. But to me he is awesome. Or was awesome. My only thing I can say negative about him is that he is wickedly smart. I don’t mean smart just in one area like a co worker or anything but he could talk about any subject at length to the point where you were like …I know I began this conversation with a music question and now your comparing music to physics type of smart. I later learned he is a member of Mensa so when I found that out I was like ok that tracks.
Yeah, this is a hard one for me. Damn.
Ngl, I’m crying a bit.
And I just realized it’s Sunday, and it’s coming down. I’ve got the song running through my head on repeat now.
He had a good run. 88 is a bit longer than outlaws usually get. I’m just happy we had him around for as long we did.
88 is a good amount of time. good for him.
Rubber Duck is in the sky too, now.