Wow, transphobia and ableism rolled in to one, aren’t you a well rounded piece of shit…
Why do you feed the troll? Downvote, report, move on.
Calling out bigotry before reporting and moving on ≠ engaging with a troll.
Wow, a meaningless buzzword used to ridicule people who state the obvious and passive aggressive coping insults. Go dilate.
I was about to write a long reply to defeat your argument, but just realised it wouldn’t matter at all. So instead I postulate this:
Fuck you.
Continue to worship the castration cult.
Continue to worship the hate-thy-neighbor cult.
Pray for me all you want, but a barrage of public insults against us because you hate us is unacceptable…
Type dad should have, and your mom should have just swallowed.
⋮ -> 🚩 Create Report
⋮ -> 🚫 Block User
Gotta make sure everyone who outwardly acknowledges reality is banned so your cognitive dissonance is protected.
Project much, cupcake?
Are you really happy? Wasting your time creating accounts just to insult people?
Sounds like a thing a mental health specialist could help you with.
If only I was mentally stable like those women who cut off their breasts or men who chop off their penis to pretend they are the opposite sex.
I never cut off my genitals or mutilated my body under the delusional beliefs I could become a woman or a man.
Life is good.
But you write a lot of retarded shit under a delusional belief that you’ll hurt somebody’s feelings.
Seriously? You can’t fight the bigot without ableism?
To assume something isn’t true based solely on the fact that you’ve never experienced it demonstrates a profound lack of empathy and critical thought. So does taking the time to complain about trans people in a meme instead of having an actual conversation with another human being.
If you take the time to do the latter instead, you might develop a shred of empathy, but you’re afraid to, because that might mean you have to admit that you’re wrong.
Lying to people and enabling their delusions isn’t kind or empathetic, you sociopath.
It must really suck to be you.
Banned from every major instance speedrun
Don’t forget us minor instances!
I was about to point out your lack of empathy and morale and self contradictions but I realise it’s pointless. There are assholes, that’s how it is.
I just wonder why some people like to spend their time hating on people instead of doing something productive…
ngl you should just funny blackmamn with lightning yourself
Why would you tell that to them? Schadenfreude? It’s just asshole behavior, and probably false even under your own definition (you should read up on medically defined biological sex, chromosomic vs genetic, gonadal vs apparent, also sex hormones and embryological development of primary sex characters), not to mention current definitions that are much more useful in practice. And even if you want to keep believing that trans people are just delusional and their ideas are completely false, think whether it would be fine for an atheist to laugh at someone whose only reason to keep going is God.