Depiction of the term “egg” as used in the transgender community. As defined by Wiktionary: “A person regarded as having not yet realized they are transgender, who has not yet come out as transgender, or who is in the early stages of transitioning.”
Prompt: “A simple white eggshell with a slight crack on it. Emerging out of the egg is a transgender flag. The eggshell is placed on a white background. The image is drawn with slightly thick and round lines.”
Generated with Microsoft Designer; touchup done with Krita and Krita AI Diffusion plugin
Ah neat that Microsoft understands what the flag looks like, and lets it run (No sad dogs).
But also seems to no longer have issues with other flags (like Estonia) that it used to have in the past.
Progress for flags!
That’s true. Although I still wanted to make some edits to the image to make it look nicer. Here’s the “raw” version:

Seems to have issues with making cracks. but other then the bit on the flag it just about nailed it.