Archived version

Pro-Trump author and conspiracy theorist Dinesh D’Souza publicly admitted Monday that his roundly debunked film “2000 Mules” included inaccurate evidence to back up its claims of voter fraud during the 2020 presidential election.

D’Souza released a statement on his website and specifically apologized to Mark Andrews, an Atlanta-area man who sued after the film wrongly identified him as a so-called mule repeatedly dropping off ballots.


“I owe this individual, Mark Andrews, an apology. I now understand that the surveillance videos used in the film were characterized on the basis of inaccurate information,” D’Souza writes on his website.


The core of D’Souza’s conspiracy theory, which has been widely debunked by law enforcement and the media, asserts that Democrats hired “mules” in the 2020 election to collect and repeatedly drop off ballots at the same dropbox over and over. In May, Salem Media Group, which published and distributed the film, also apologized to Andrews and retracted the film from distribution.


D’Souza, who was pardoned by Trump in 2018 for campaign finance law violations, continues to be a prominent figure in pro-MAGA media […]

    3 months ago

    I looked exactly like this (when I was 16). My surname is exactly this. My life was heading exactly to the point where I would have turned out exactly like this. There was one critical choice I made, despite knowing the consequences. After that my life became hell, but I did not turn out like this. I do not even look anything like this anymore.

    At times I’d have a funny thought that what if an alternate version popped up and faced me, who has made the other choice at a moment. How that would turn out to be. What he would think of his own choice, what he could have done different. Maybe he’d go into frenzied denial and attack too (harmlessly). This feels like putting that exact scenario in front of me. It is creeeeepy hahaha. Except he’s a lot older than me, so I’m like the alternate version which has come to haunt him. Tbh I think in such a scenario that guy would be scared. And I’m pretty non-violent, but the sheer difference and possibility itself would scare him. To look so similar as I did, we’d have had to share very similar backgrounds as well up to when I was around 16. It is creepy. There can be such coincidences in the world too that it is almost possible to live out this previously mentioned thought which I had when I was still a fairly naive kid, though already very different from what I would’ve otherwise been🤔 which could get well have been something like this guy🤮 I knew it already, but this person who made such a film is making me say it just for the sake of this itself haha—I chose well.

    Hmm fuuuuuuuu… we’re born in the same city as well. Born to Catholic parents who also wanted to send me as an exchange student arrrrgh what is this. Another difference though, I resisted that. My parents are similar to this person actually in belief. What a bullet I dodged haha this is so mood dimming. Even more so that from what I see, I am an exact opposite version of this one now as a consequence of my choice and perseverence—that means I am on the opposite side of any power, absolutely refuse to marry ever due to being repulsed by the concept, there must be other things. Some kids manga or comic may have done some anti-matter version of a person, I feel like such a thing.

    This is ridiculous.