The world of Linuxia beckons you! Your annoying guide flexes their gear the moment you spawn

Gentoo USB (Rare):
=> USE flags: Can rebuild itself
   with or without the other
   three attributes
=> March native: Increases attack
   speed by 1% or -1%
=> Slot: Can use two versions of any
   attribute at the same time
=> PGO: The USB memorizes when you
   attack to increase speed, trading
   off for lower speed elsewhen.
   Requires two rebuilds.

Charm of systemd (common):
=> nspawn: Can build with deeper focus
=> Wisdom tax: The wise are less
   likely to feel neutral toward you
   (+2 or -2 charisma)
=> Chant of systemd: By chanting
'systemd-analyze calendar "Fri *-*-13"',
   the caster instantly knows when
   the next Friday the 13th is.

Let’s have some fun! Spells, items, and dungeons oh my!

    3 months ago

    AURild of Greenmeadow (Weaponsmith, uncommon):

    • roll a dice D6, 1-3 results in sword.bin 4-6 results in sword.git
    • sword.bin gives 1 additional attack in your turn
    • sword.git can be used after your second turn, but has damage +3
    • everytime you visit Aurild: if you haven’t equipped “Tomb Wiki of Arch” get confused by oversupply (-1 wisdom), else gain 3 wisdom