• Mezmer1zed@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Yeah, I know. Should never have happened. My then-gf had tried to get us there like 3-4 times before that earlier in the season, and she was losing her shit trying to get us out there. I tried to stop her when we got to the creek but she said she was going forward with or without me and made it happen. We argued for like 30 minutes after crossing the water while we were soaking wet, and she demanded that she was going to go on no matter what. She’s stubborn as fuck. I grew up in Wisconsin and survived multiple power outages for days at a time at negative 20-30 degrees, and she’s from Washington and had no idea how much danger we were in. Had to go with her when she wouldn’t go back because she definitely would have gone ahead on her own out of stubbornness, and she wouldn’t have been safe and I couldn’t just leave her. Lesson here is, don’t let someone talk louder than you and put everyone’s life in danger. It was a stupid, stupid decision we were lucky to get out of ok.