I’d love to rock my phone caseless, but yeah they are just too goddamn thin slippery for me. I know you can wrap the phone in a decal to make it less slippery, but at that point you’re still covering the look of the phone anyway.
Plus, due to the type of phone I have, I seem to require a particular case for reasons that other people don’t necessarily need. Ex: my phone case has this sort of ring attachment that is much smaller than a pop socket that has become essential for me. I don’t have a way to attach it to my phone directly.
Caseless for the 4 years I’ve had this phone. Just don’t be reckless with it and don’t let your kids play with it.
Let me introduce you to myself. Glass phone with regularly dry hands. If I had no case this thing would fly out of my hands all the time.
I’d love to rock my phone caseless, but yeah they are just too goddamn thin slippery for me. I know you can wrap the phone in a decal to make it less slippery, but at that point you’re still covering the look of the phone anyway.
Plus, due to the type of phone I have, I seem to require a particular case for reasons that other people don’t necessarily need. Ex: my phone case has this sort of ring attachment that is much smaller than a pop socket that has become essential for me. I don’t have a way to attach it to my phone directly.