I’ll begrudgingly vote for Biden again. I’d prefer someone further left, but I desperately want to prevent the Rs from winning.
The realistic candidate that supports and will actively fight for
Bodily autonomy- abortion rights need to be enshrined.
Decriminalizing cannabis- Just look at a map of where it’s legal stop dragging our feet on this one, and legalize home grow too. No one should be arrested because theyput a seed in thebfround, and just because my partner grows amazing garden produce doesn’t mean we don’t go to the supermarket.
Combatting the Christian Nationalist movement- the ultra Christian rightwing attack on anyone who isn’t a white straight man. That means openly condemning groups like “Moms for Liberty”, and putting them on hate group or terrorist lists.
Whichever party that nominated Dwayne Mountain Dew Comacho. We need electrolytes
I’ll vote Democrat even though I’m a Leftist, because
they’re the ones that most align with my views. Biden has surprised me (in a good way) with what he’s been able to pass / has attempted to pass.
Republicans want to make life worse for everyone who isn’t a Straight White Christian Male, and they’re succeeding (see Supreme Court, Florida). I believe in equal rights for all Americans/Humans, and Republicans clearly do not.
Your messages match my thoughts very well. I look at what the parties have done, and I choose Democrats. As you said, Republicans are destroying rights, like a woman’s right to choose.
I support individuals, not parties as a whole. If he gets to the general election ballot I’ll vote for Cornel West on the green party ticket.