Not sure how much money that is, but I would start a “quiet landscaping” company that used reel mowers instead of gas mowers, rakes instead of leaf blowers, and I would undercut every landscaping company in my town just to promote the idea of a quiet neighborhood.
We signed up for a service last year that uses only electrified/battery powered devices (as opposed to IC engines), mainly just for the green aspect of it. But I’ll be danged if they’re not also like a third the volume of the gas ones! The first time they showed up, my wife saw a dude walking back and forth behind a push mower (looking out through the closed window of her office), and she thought he literally didn’t even have it on yet. That’s how much quieter they are. I think that’s a damn good balance. Dudes with reel mowers and rakes are gonna be out there for like two hours every time they come; very not interested.
My idea was intentionally unrealistic and meant to represent an extreme. Your suggestion isn’t just realistic, it already exists. Admittedly, I’m not really that interested in operating a landscaping company, I just want eliminate some of the unnecessary noise noise.
Tell my wife I now have “fuck you money”, and then fuck her lots because she could quit her shitty stressful job and have energy again.
D’aw, I wasn’t expecting something wholesome to be the first thing. Good job Lemmy
Order a pizza, don’t want to make big decisions on an empty stomach
Love it!
Buy a delorean, eat sushi everyday, and give my wife whatever she wants because she’s my angel and I love her.
But not before buying a DeLorean and eat sushi lol I’m kidding this is beautiful
LOL. Well how am I going to get her anything without a delorean?
Edit : and sushi…
That’s true, “one can not provide unless he ate sushi while driving a DeLorean” - a really smart guy probably from another dimension
Not tell anyone and see how little work I can do at work before they fire me. I bet I could even get promoted.
Haha that’s basically what I’m doing now
Buy all banks then burn them to the ground
That’s a lot of fuck you money my guy
I’d pay off all my debts, put away enough to be able to quit my job without losing any income, and give the rest away. I already have everything I want and need, the move now is to get rid of shit I don’t want.
What would you get rid of?
jobs, debts and obligations
I’l tell you what I’d do, man: two chicks at the same time.
I’d do absolutely nothing
Looks like somebody’s got a case of the Mondays.
Buy off all the politicians and have them implement policies that will benefit the working class. Invest heavily in renewable energy sources and public transportation. Buy all the comic books.
I would buy as much land as I could. Build myself a reasonable house and a load of barns. I have always wanted to run a farm animal sanctuary that takes in abused and unwanted farm friends. Then I would spend the rest of my days laughing at goats and cows and chickens being derpy. That and maybe take a nice vacation to the beach once in a while.
Why not just build your animal sanctuary next to a beach and laugh at derpy land and sea animals? :-)
Holy cow we have the same childhood dream!
I’d do what Mark Cuban did with his Cost Plus Drug Company, which sells everything on it at cost + 15%, but for other essential products as well. I’d open up all types of stores that sell necessities - petrol, groceries, medication, plants, technology items, books, etc - at cost + whatever the lowest margin mark up I could get away with. The goal would be to drive prices down everywhere, not just at my stores. I’d also spend big on lobbying/campaigning for better legislation and regulation around essential goods and services.
Low cost public housing would be another area. Buying up land to build low cost housing estates with all the facilities and amenities needed.
Obviously it goes without saying I’d set up everyone of my family and close friends for life too.
deleted by creator
Quit work and start a new hobby to spend serious time in. Not sure what that would be.
Fuck you
Buy Twitter back and ban Elmo
Bro what have you got against Elmo?
Lot of people really hate furries
idk I quite like the changes he’s making. Rate limiting, preventing people who don’t sign up from using it, killing embeds. It’s all great for reducing the net presence of what has become an almost entirely white nationalist platform. If anything he’s not rolling out these changes fast enough, for if he was, Twitter would have also restricted itself from having new sign ups (like Voat in its later years) and eventually completely shutting down.