Battlefield Earth.
Star Wars:The Rise of Skywalker. I have never left a movie feeling like my intelligence was insulted until that movie.
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For the life of me I can’t understand this. It doesn’t even make sense from a business perspective. Like, yes people will pay to see this movie no matter what but that good will will dry up eventually. Any amount of effort to have made these movies legitimately decent would have paid off vastly in the long run. It just seems utterly bizarre that Disney would just YOLO this shit and stand around as their golden goose is slowly strangled for what ever gold flakes they can pick out of the shit
Rise of Skywalker is barely a movie. It feels like a reddit post written by someone mad at TLJ.
That is the perfect distillation of what it feels like watching that shitshow.
The Snowman.
Please tell me you’re not meaning the 1980s animated classic -
Mandy with Nicholas Cage takes the cake for me but it’s so bad it’s good. If I were going for just bad, it would probably have to be the last airbender movie…
Enemy with Jake Gyllenhaal is up there for me too, because FUCK that movie.
I think calling Mandy so bad it’s good is a massive misread of what Mandy was trying to do. It’s a funny, over-the-top movie at a lot of points, deliberately.
Idk man deliberately bad is still bad
Yeah, I’m just saying it’s not bad, deliberately or otherwise. It’s deliberately a lot of things that you’re parsing as bad but work for, idk, certainly the vast majority of people who watched it, critics and audiences alike.
Unpopular opinion but, Avatar 2: The Way of Water. While it was mostly visually stunning, the writing was just “too painful”.
Very popular opinion. What a huge waste of time. Most expensive B movie ever, and doesn’t have the camp value to pull off how bad the script is.
What do you mean, bro? C’mon cuz!
War of the Worlds, 2005, it’s the only film so bad I was genuinely angry about it after I’d seen it. Not just a bad film it wasted my time.
Wow really? I remember enjoying it. What did you not like about it?
I remember the movie really ramping up towards unconventional things, and then ending in disappointingly conventional ways. “And then the son with whom they got separated to a near-certain death is alive after all, and they find each other and get reunited.”
Also, as has been discussed to death at the time, the absolute lack of build-up towards the resolution, which leaves it with a taste of “wait, so why exactly did I watch what happens to this bunch of randos?”
I have nothing against people who liked it, but the final act felt like such a let-down compared to the beginning and middle of it, that I can’t really remember it positively.
Jeepers creepers :Reborn 2022 !!!
Justice League