I believe this is not a feature of Threads itself but of any new social media app or fediverse instance. Nazis are looking for places to spread.
I’ll never understand the drive to make other people’s lives more miserable. We’re given only so many years in this planet. Why not enjoy your life and let others enjoy theirs. These people seemingly can’t do either of those.
I guess it’s a good coping mechanism to not face your own problems. Also you always have something to do and you feel involved.
I do think it gives them a bigger narrative to be a part of. I suspect that’s a big draw too. It’s just a really shit narrative.
Good point. I think one thing modern world (maybe it was always this way) is kind of lacking providing people with meaning. Sure you are free to search and create your own, which is undoubtfully great. But some people need others people stories to make any sense of that mess we call life.
It’s not about that… I don’t know why it’s so hard to understand the psychology here. They feel strongly that something is wrong and want to fight it. That’s it.
Again, not supporting it at all but you should at least understand that they are not so different from us. They just grew up around hate for these things and continue to feel hate for these things.
If they would have grown up in a different environment, I don’t think they would even care about any of this.
Sure there are people who were just socialised into far right ideology, but there are also ones that arrived there later in life. Humans are complex. psychology ist messy and not very well understood. But feeling deeply unhappy and projecting on an out-group, are definitely something they all have in common.
People often do it for free, but it is also a business model.
They’re already whining about being banned though, so that’s something at least.
They ALWAYS do. Communication exists. Do your part and shut them down and send them information for therapy. It’s hilarious. They are losers and will always be unless they get help. There is no intolerance except for the intolerant racists!
Fuck all nazi scum
They are not “flocking to Threads”, they were already in Instagram and Facebook. Meta is going to have to pay one day or another for cowering in front of religious countries by allowing homophobia and anti-atheist and anti-freethinker hate-speech in those countries. I had to deal a lot with those and reporting them did nothing, because moderators are sourced locally from those countries, and the laws in those countries are in favor of that kind of hate-speech.
I know exactly what you mean
They’ve also given everyone with an instagram account a Threads account, so they’re going to be over run with fitness gurus and diet tea selling vegans any minute now.
I’ll take that over fascists
Why? They’re more than welcome on Twitter now.
My theory is even right wingers hate right wing cesspools. Like there is no shortage of far right communities on the internet, but even if you were to be a right leaning person who has no problem with “a little free speech”, you are going to be a “cucked liberal” to someone else. Maybe you are a fiscally conservative hypercapitalist but have no problem with the existence of gay and trans people. Maybe your a terf but still care a lot about abortion rights and access to healthcare. Maybe your extremely religious, but believe it is your duty to help the poor and provide charity for those in need. You are going to clash with someone in the same space as you, and there are going to be fewer protections from harassment and less places where you can feel safe in speaking than if you were on a more mainstream space with actual moderation. In the end the platform is going to be hospitable to only the most extreme of conservatives, and its going to become an echochamber of the same opinions, and the same hate and anger.
Second, most of these accounts and groups have the goal of recruitment in mind. You’re not going to recruit many people in the far right echochamber because your basically preaching to the choir, so instead you go to the platformers where all the “normies” are at. There you can spread prop, pick easy fights and make your side look strong, and convince ordinary people that what you believe isn’t all “that bad”, or that it’s the liberals/trans people/feminists/jews who are the disgusting or unhinged ones.
A lot of people are flocking to Threads, so why wouldn’t these groups?
I was hoping they would just enjoy Elon’s twitter but apparently they really need to pollute the common spaces otherwise they get bored
They’ll go anywhere they can get attention I suppose
Yup, Nazis don’t want a circle jerk chamber. They specifically want to get into general public spaces so they can recruit. This is why you often find Nazi shit in the weirdest places (such as the bronies).
It’s why moderation is needed on all social media platforms. It’s also why “we don’t tolerate Nazis” needs to be a general rule. They are a cancer.
That and they want to make public platforms miserable for the people they hate.
That Mythic Quest episode with the Nazis
ONLY until the rest of the users give them the “fuck off you nazi trash” response that they actually deserve.
Evil only has to win once or twice to succeed. Good has to win every time. In other words, evil will always try to worm its way into new things, and good will always have to yank them out.
Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.
(please don’t prove Lord Darkhelmet right)
Spaceballs reference?
Heck yeah. You’re awesome!
” He went on to instruct his followers to “try and build a big account. I mean, if you get in early, maybe some of you guys can blow up and red pill some people on there.”
Red pill? Did pro-authoritarian, white supremacist, and self-proclaimed incel, Nick Fuentes unironically use “red pill”? lmao What a clown.
I don’t understand why these incels insist on using a Matrix analogy, red-pill just means “truth” and blue-pill means “ignorance”, why do they constantly subvert a basic concept? It’s literally the same with “woke”, it literally just means what it says, “being attuned to what’s going on”. Nothing more, but these idiots literally ruin it, if anything they’re blue-pilled, going by the Matrix