Biden seeks to “allow for the transfer of all categories of defense articles,” his request states
The White House has formally requested the removal of restrictions on all categories of weapons Israel is allowed to access from U.S. weapons stockpiles in the country, as I reported in detail for The Intercept today. So you know I’m not exaggerating, here’s a screenshot of the request:
The request would also remove nearly all other limits on Israel’s ability to access the U.S. weapons stockpiles — permanently —by doing the following:
Dude is commiting a fucking political suicide. He’s determined to force people not to vote for him.
Yeah, it’s been “hold your nose and vote for the least insane” for a long time now, but more the choice is “the guy who supports genocide” or “the guy who really really supports genocide.”
Fucking two party first post the post bullshit. This is going to get Trump elected when the people who cant bear to vote for genocide stay home or vote third party.
If Israel is your issue, you’re going to have to find another differentiator… like how Trump wants to end democracy as we know it and Biden does not.
That’s what I’m saying. I’m just heartbroken that I’ll have to vote for someone unapologetically funding genocide with my tax money.
What’s the fucking point of democracy if I still have to vote for genocide in order to avoid the end of “democracy.”
More than 15,000 people dead with money generated from mine and your labor, that’s enough of a differentiator for me. People call me naive for having convictions but legitimately believe “dEmoCrAcY iS In daNGeR”
Sorry you’re too passive to fight for it sweaty
In this case fighting for it means voting for Trump tho…? I don’t think he would have done better in this situation. Do you?
Again everyone in here is comparing these hypothetical situations that have been built up by fear mongering and media to actual human deaths that are happening right now that can be stopped at any point, more than half of them women and children. Fighting for it does not mean voting for trump, activism is not filling out a Scantron that you got in your mailbox.
Ok, so what should we be doing?
First grow a conscience, then listen to it, then just fucking Google shit I don’t care. How can I help Palestinians in need? What pressure can I be placing on my local government to speak with my voice in the Federal government? What pressure can I be putting on the glorious DNC to not run Biden as their pick? What political groups in my area need active members and funding? The fucking history of what led to the concentration camp that is Gaza in general. Literally any amount of effort.
Adding before you say anything, my tone is hostile because people say “what can I be doing?” Not with the intention of actually listening to any of it or doing fucking any of it but to try to catch me in some kind of gotcha where all my statements are irrelevant because I can’t do your job for you. I’m just a little bit mad about paying to turn innocent people into dead bodies.
That’s why I’m writing in Afroman; I don’t pencilwhip colonizers
Implying burgerland was ever a democracy.
The Democratic National Convention of August, 1968 was in Chicago. It was marked by massive riots, after the April and June assassinations of the Rev Martin Luther King Jr and Democratic POTUS candidate Robert Kennedy, respectively. It was triggered by many issues, including anti-Vietnam War sentiment.
Interestingly, the August, 2024 DNC will be in Chicago. Maybe it’s time for the people of the United States to come together for another “year that breaks America”, and fight for the need to eliminate the DNC/RNC corporate stranglehold and work toward establishing a ranked voting system.
Or we could continue to choose between happy uncle fascist or bloated grifter fascist.
Yup. It’s getting more difficult every election cycle. I’m highly thinking of sitting it out this time. I can’t, with a clear conscious, vote for either of these two.
Yeah, you sure show em. Sitting out. Rebel.
Fucking dumb take.
Says the guy with the depopulation username.
Yeah, you sheeps are what’s fucking up this country. Go fall in line, shut up and vote. Fuck outta here with your bullshit.
lol, sheep. Vote third-party, but for gods sake vote
That’s the best idiots like you can do, poke fun of people’s grammar while the country is fucking burning. Take that grammer and shove it somewhere to boost your ego a bit more.
I was more laughing at you unironically calling people you don’t agree with sheep; it makes you sound like an angsty teen which your reply has just cemented. Baaaa
It’s important to at least go to the polls and do something, even if you won’t vote for most Democrats.
Even a Maoist knows that ballot initiatives and referendums exist independent of candidates and parties. I’m a Communist, and while I will not vote for Joe Biden, I do plan on voting for some local Democrats (not that I’m implying you should). It is better to show up and submit a blank ballot than to do nothing at all.
To be fair I don’t know that I want to be clearly conscious for this election cycle, or for what come after.
Yeah, fuck your grammar/English/vocabulary bullshit. It doesn’t add anything to the conversation nor does it fix the shit America is in right now. Take it somewhere where it matters, not here.
What it adds to the conversation is that you’re a fucking idiot and you should be aware of it.
Ok is a trophy 🏆 Now go fuck off and die.
That guy you replied to is an actualcunt by the looks of it. He got very mad at a copypasta. And continued being mad.
Just vote third party if neither major party suits you. At least that way you’re communicating that neither major party is acceptable, and if enough people do that, it’s possible the major parties will adjust their policies.
Regardless, sign up for mail voting so you don’t have to wait in line. That way you can throw your vote away like me in the comfort of your own home, and then drop it off at a ballot box at your convenience.
Might do that, but there is no fucking way I’m voting for Biden or Trump.
Same. I voted third party before Trump proved to be insane, and I’ll do it again.
I’m thinking either Mariann Williamson or West
I’m the opposite, after reading a few profiles, I’m excited to see what Lars Mapstead has to say. He seems reasonably moderate compared to the rest running for the Libertarian nomination, so maybe he’d be okay. I hope Spike Cohen runs as well.
I’m also interested to see what Marianne Williamson has to say, but I’m not a fan of several of her proposals, though I like a number of them as well. I want to watch her debate so I can get a feel for which proposals she’s going to base her campaign around.
I’m not a fan of Cornel West whatsoever, though I’ll give him a chance to convince me. I think he’ll just steal votes from the Dem nominee (he’s running independent, no), which means Trump gets a better shot, but I guess we’ll see if that’s a thing.
All in all, I’m not liking this year’s roundup. But as long as Trump loses, I’m happy.
third party
I did vote for the green party last time. Might do it again, because fuck both Dems and Republicans.
Yup, I’ll be voting third party. I gave Biden my vote last election, but he hasn’t earned it this coming election. It doesn’t really matter though since my state is going to vote R regardless, but at least this way I don’t be supporting nonsense.
Look, I hate the situation we’re in, but it’s Biden or a fascist that literally wants to destroy democracy in America. Read up on Project 2025. The Republicans are gearing up to destroy the IRS, Department of Education, FDA, EPA, make being LGBT illegal, ban abortion nationwide, and essentially bring back segregation in schools through education vouchers.
Keep voting Democrat or we’ll no longer have any semblance of freedom.
Earn it. If you can’t, or worse, if you won’t, then death to you.
This right here. People are fed the fuck up with being treated as bait for the fascist industrial complex.
As I said, it doesn’t matter who I vote for, the R candidate will get >60% of the vote and the D candidate will get 25-35%. Even if every third party vote went to the D candidate, they’d still be short by like 20%. If it was close at all (say, within 10%), I’d get your point, but that’s just not happening in my state.
So no, I’m not falling for that “a vote for X is a vote for Y” nonsense. I voted for Biden once because Trump was that bad and disliked in my state, but he won by >20%, which just proves how useless it is. So I’ll be voting third party again now that Biden has lost even my small, symbolic gesture.
gearing up to destroy…
I’m honestly okay with a bit of that, such as:
- Dept of Education - complete nonsense, we should scale it way back; imo, Fed loans have just screwed people over and made education more expensive, and that’s just one example of where they’ve overstepped
- FDA - should probably be an independent org, not an agency, at least for verifying drugs; it seems big pharma and whatnot have clogged up the system to prevent competition; I think they should set standards, but some other org(s) should do the actual verification
- education vouchers - I live charter schools and think we should reform our school system around school choice, but I draw the line at private schools; we should instead be improving transit so kids in working class families can attend the school of their choice
But I disagree with enough of it to matter:
- abortion - should be legal and largely unrestricted during the first trimester as a privacy matter; I don’t think women should be harassed during the time when miscarriage risk is high, so it should remain between her and her doctor; anything beyond that first trimester should be a state issue
- LGBT people - I’m not really sure what actual policies LGBT people want, but I’m totally in favor of anti-discrimination laws similar to what we have for race and age, and I’m absolutely in favor of same sex marriage; however, I not willing to go as far as Democrats in establishing positive rights
- EPA - I’m generally a fan of the EPA, at least as a research body; I think some of our standards are a little ridiculous though, with some being too strict and some not being strict enough; we should review its scope, but I don’t see a point in dismantling it
- IRS - I’m absolutely against cutting the IRS budget in any way, in fact, we should increase it; at the same time, we should be simplifying the tax code so enforcing it is easier; we should only cut it when enforcement stops being revenue positive (i.e. we’ve automated enough and simplified enough that tax fraud takes far fewer resources to detect)
Regardless, voting for Democrats won’t solve any of that. My state will elect Republicans to every position that matters. That’s a fact of life, and it’s probably more likely for my state to flip to a third party than to flip Democrat. So voting Democrat only makes sense if the candidate is actually strong enough to pull Republicans voters, and Biden ain’t it.
So no, I’m not voting Democrat because that’s not going to solve anything. I’ll vote Democrat if the candidate is good, otherwise I’ll be voting third party to signal to my state that I’d rather throw my vote away than vote for either major party, maybe they’ll actually care enough to pivot their platform a bit.
lol. Ok bud. You’re not voting Democrat because you’re a right wing nut. Gone are the days of “everyone is entitled to their opinion” when one party literally tried to overthrow the government and wants to bring an end to democracy. Do I wish it was another candidate more liberal than Biden? Heck ya, but voting for Trump or 3rd party is basically voting against democracy.
If you can’t do better than Biden, then I want to watch as everything you care for burns to the ground. I already have nothing to lose. Fascism has already been in every hood I lived in for the past 30+ years of my life, and for a century more past that; but these NIMBY liberal peckerwoods expect me to waste my vote upholding the democracy they get to live in? Tuh!
I don’t want a more liberal candidate than Biden, I want a better candidate. Biden doesn’t have the mental acuity to lead a country, and his VP doesn’t have his back. They were literally my two least favorite candidates on the DNC ticket in 2016 (Harris was dead last), yet they’re the ones who got nominated.
That said, Trump is decidedly worse. But that doesn’t make Biden good by comparison, nor does it change who my state will vote for. Trump was last in the Republican primary in my state in 2016 (even Kasich beat him), and was challenged by an independent who got >20% of the vote, yet he still won by nearly 20% (I’m in Utah). In the perfect storm that was 2016, Trump could’ve lost my state if Dems voted for the independent, but there was no way those independent voters would’ve voted for Clinton (there was no mathematical way for McMullin to win since he wasn’t on the ballot in most states). In 2020, Trump won with a typical >20% spread (usually it’s ~30%, so his win was much narrower than usual). If 2024 is close, the R candidate will win by 10-20%. It literally doesn’t matter who I vote for, the R candidate will win.
So no, Biden is not getting my vote because he hasn’t earned it. Trump is worse, but there’s no chance the R candidate is going to lose Utah, even if it is Trump, so I feel like the election won’t be so close that voting the lesser of two evils will mean anything. So I’ll probably vote third party again, but I’m not sure which party that’ll be (it doesn’t really matter, third parties get like 5% maximum combined). That said, my mind is never 100% made up until the election actually happens. If Biden gets meaningful immigration reform done (e.g. increased quotas, path to a visa for undocumented workers, etc), maybe he’ll earn it, but I think he needs to change his running mate because Harris is awful.
Keep voting Democrat and we’ll no longer have any semblance of freedom.
In what universe would Trump be a better alternative?
You people would vote for Mussolini if Hitler was running against him
But Mussolini sounds like a lovely Italian dish.
He never will be, but I can’t vote for Biden either. Maybe the country DOES need to burn to the ground so people do something about it.
What a ridiculously stupid take. Are you in High School or something? Have you ever heard of the saying “cutting off your nose to spite your face?”
It doesn’t matter if you think it’s a stupid take or not. Focusing on one person here won’t change the fact that enthusiasm for Biden is already low. Telling someone they are stupid because they feel this way certainly won’t change their mind and will more likely solidify their position. I think we should be more vocal now about pushing for a different candidate even at this late stage. The polls already show Biden will not get the numbers he did before. The choice between not good and doom just isn’t going to motivate the masses this time. The sad truth is that Biden as the nominee is Trumps best chance at a second term.
Polls also showed Hillary was a sure win. Polls don’t matter. VOTING matters. It’s posts like this, or apathetic posts, or posts calling for a 3rd party rather than. Keen that are the ones that cause more damage. Each and every one of these posts should be called out, and I’m sure a good number of them are Russian or Chinese funded disinformation and propaganda campaigns.
“I can’t accept my candidate is shit, so it must be enemy action; can’t possibly be what I’m doin NOPE”
That’s the most selfish shit. That’s people you’re talking about burning to the ground.
More than 15,000 people have burned to the ground already with him in charge, why do they not matter?
Because they’re brown and are “just Palestinians”. The saddest shit ever is to see how a lot of people in the West are disturbingly detached from reality. It makes me fucking sick.
99.9% of settler-liberals ain’t got no souls in the first place. Why I’m finding less and less of a fuck to give about their ‘democracy’ that only a third of the population Actually gets to participate in burning to the fucking ground.
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If this country actually goes for Trump a second time, then fuck the lot of you. You get what you deserve. I’ll be fine, but I’ll be done worrying about the rest of you. If you’re that fucking stupid then you deserve what you get.
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I will be happy to witness the destruction of this country that perpetrates genocides and regime changes upon rest of the world, manufactures fake genocides about other countries every year, and is the main pivotal force of superimperialism and ultracapitalism.
that mf preachin 👋👋👋
Yeah, well fuck whatever little piece of shit excuse of a country you come from, too. If you could do better than America has, you would have, and most likely you haven’t. So shove your petty jealousy up your ass. No matter how much contempt you have for the USA, know that you’re inferior even to that.
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He’s certainly lost the Muslim vote.
I’m Arabic American and won’t be voting for him.
I think you forgot how the voters have the memory of a goldfish
“Defense,” my ass.
We fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here.
they’ll be storming our beaches with their famous naval fleet
Why thank you🥰
It’s a quote from President Bush you downvoting idgits.
And unfortunately, there is a point.
“Israel is the largest American aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be sunk, does not carry even one American soldier, and is located in a critical region for American national security.”
— Alexander Haig
I have become staunchly anti-Israel since this all started. But let’s not pretend the national security ramifications don’t exist. The world cannot let jingoistic, religious-nut cavemen like Hammas run rampant.
I don’t have answers. This is the most fucked up war I’ve seen in my 5 decades walking this Earth.
The world cannot let jingoistic, religious-nut cavemen like Hammas run rampant.
Then you have problems with Israel, who funded and continue to support them behind the scenes.
IDK, Iraq was pretty messed up.
But yeah, Israel existing is good for US national security because they are like a lightning rod for all the nonsense in the middle east, and they somehow keep things relatively peaceful, more often than not.
That said, I wish Israel and Palestine could get along. That’s obviously not happening anytime soon though, and the Palestinian people are caught in the middle, and they’re using my country’s weapons to do it. That sucks.
That said, neither Biden or Trump have any useful solutions here, and they don’t seem to be trying. So I’m not voting for either.
jingoistic, religious-nut cavemen
Israel extracts cum from dead soldiers to make more Jewish babies.
The fuck is wrong with people. They’re over there committing what amounts to genocide, and we just shrug and selling them more weapons?
It’s called capitalism, look it up
Oh heavens thank you, I couldn’t possibly have known that if you didn’t respond with a snarky comment.
I think they may have been referencing this meme, but it didn’t land and wasn’t a great joke tbh.
Ah, yeah, that makes more sense.
“When a rattlesnake is poised to strike, you do not wait for it to strike before you crush it.” - FDR
Yes, you just nuke the country the snake came from, nevermind the fact that you put the snake there.
US foreign policy in a nutshell, but replace nukes with drone strikes.
Couldn’t we just… give the rattlesnake some space and continue on our way? It’s only mad because we got too close to its home. If it gets too close to our home, yeah, let’s kill it, but until then, live and let live.
From my understanding, we’d be on much better terms with the middle east if we stopped interfering in their business. Just open up trade routes and we can get rich together.
Exactly. I mean tbf the US is now mostly on good terms with the middle East, but all these countries are one regime change (or depending on country aid money not coming) away from doing a 180 because the people themselves hate the US with a passion. I know I do.
Yeah, we’re not doing ourselves any favors by bombing people in various countries over there, and we’ve been doing it for decades. I still don’t understand why we invaded Iraq, especially since Saddam Husein actually kept things relatively stable.
Our foreign policy over there is really messed up. We should be helping enrich the average person, since that has historically been the path toward eliminating extremism and promoting democracy. We should be investing in these countries, not bombing them, and Iraq could have been a poster child for this strategy. Basically make a deal with Saddam Husein to create middle class jobs to trade with the US. It’s a win-win because Husein gets to be popular and the US gets a relatively stable friend in the region with a populace who can start pushing for democracy. Iraq was already a secular government, so there’s no theocracy crap to deal with. We kind of did that with Japan, and look how that relationship evolved.
I don’t think it’s too late either. We should be investing in the region so as oil becomes less central to the global economy, they have a fallback instead of a descent into chaos. Tourism shouldn’t be the only option here, they should have a variety of industries, and the US could be central in getting that going.
Wait, why haven’t we done this with Ukraine? Israel can fend for itself and we really shouldn’t be helping them more than we already are.
Wait, why haven’t we done this with Ukraine?
Russia has nukes.
The Palestinians do not.
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We probably should help them half as much as we are.
They don’t need any help, it’s laughable to even call it a war. Israel could level all of gaza in a heartbeat
Biden is a good guy, but damn if he isn’t stuck in the past. Every decision he makes seems like it would’ve made sense if it was still 1998. This is something Clinton probably would’ve done and everyone would’ve loved him for it, but the world has moved on, and people now understand the situation there is not as black and white as they thought.
You have a weird definition of a good guy.
Good guys don’t support genocide. Good guys don’t strip away pandemic protections. Good guys don’t allow health insurance to be stripped away from millions of people.
No no no, you don’t get it: to liberals like that, Biden is the goodest of good guys, because they’d do the exact same shit as him if they were in his seat. They cosign the same bailouts, they cosign the same extrajudicial killings, they cosign the same genocides. To people already divorced from anything resembling a human moral core, Biden has no downsides.
Well, Israel and the Pallies still have their heads up 2000 years ago, so it seems fair enough.
I must admit, I don’t get why Biden would go so wholeheartedly pro Israel here. I get that the US has been allies with Israel for decades, and we would probably continue that. But his support goes further, and gets out of balance in terms of public perception of Israel (which does have broad public support), and a clear genocide of Palestinians in Gaza which also has broad public recognition. He probably would have been better to try to thread the needle between the two.
Did you cry genocide when ISIS was being hunted down?
Israel is trying to move civilians out of harm’s way so they can get to terrorists hiding in hospitals behind civilians.
Don’t get your numbers from a terrorist organization known for lying and inflating numbers. An organization that counts terrorists along with civilians and doesn’t wear uniforms allowing identification.
If there are tens of thousands of terrorists being killed that is not genocide.
Don’t get your numbers from a terrorist organization known for lying and inflating numbers.
Basically the whole world uses Gazan numbers, because they’re known to be reliable. I won’t respond to the rest of your comment because you’re disgusting of a human being.
Classic genocidal rhetoric, calling the natives “terrorists” to justify your horrible actions
Wow! That’s crazy!
You mean that there were restrictions on weapons we went to Israel?
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Doing the opposite of what we should be doing is supposed to be the Republicans’ job.
Biden is a genocidal sack of shit.
Genocidin’ Biden
This is about allowing Israel to access all weapons in the US stockpile in Israel, not ALL U.S. weapons in general as title implies.
Well yeah, congress fills their war coffers almost infinitely, until that stops it may as well be the same thing.
Screw the FTSE100, invest in weapons!!
Also non-AMP and referral-free link:
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Here’s one better; no pay wall.
Is this the same month old news that was posted elsewhere?
The request is from Oct 20