I checked for others who, like me, are too European to understand the joke: 50°F is 10°C.
A nice swedish summer evening (if it isnt raining).
Edit: cheers my fellow scandinavians and nordics!
I’d say 50 is perfect
50 is pretty nice what are you on about
That’s peak hoodie and jeans weather. Literally perfect.
this meme also works in Celsius.
0°C is not very cold… chilly maybe.
I mean, it’s literally freezing.
Not to defend Fahrenheit, it’s a nonsense scale, however: As with most subjective scales the entire scale can be split into good and not good. The top part is good and the bottom part is not good. The middle of the top part is seen as average good.
So around 75 degrees would be perfect, which is close enough for something as subjective as temperature.
This is why in things like movie or game reviews a 7/10 is seen as average. Like it’s good, in the good part, but right in the middle not anything special. A 5/10 or lower is seen as not good, not worth seeing, not worth your time etc. This works for reviews, grades, person attractiveness rating etc.
Yet, Temperature is not a nonlinear star-rating by IGN, is it?
Are you saying global warming is actually caused by the bias of IGN reviewers?
The flooding of Amsterdam was really epic, 10/10 IGN
Interestingly if you take the middle of the freezing point (32F) and 100F, you do get a mildly warm 71. No this does not prove anything, yes I’ll still say it.
Then if you average THAT with 50, you get 60.5… and you see all three numbers make a triangle. Illuminati confirmed.Then you map it onto Celsius and see 32°F is 0°C, 71°F is 21,7°C and 100°F is 37,8°C.
Which coincides almost perfectly with the 0-20-40 framework we intuitively use in Celsius. 0 is deadly cold without warm clothes, 20 is warm, and 40 is deadly hot.
Turns out Celsius is good for weather, too.
or it’s illuminatiWhat happens when you add Kurt Angle into the mix?
that’s when you get a 133% chance of rain