Curious what yall are playing and if im the only one who can’t complete games :p
The last game I finished was Disco Elysium, before that I can’t even remember. It is not a common occurence. I’ve played some short indie games like Death & Taxes to the end, but bigger games, maybe Dragon Age Inquisition or X-COM2 but that’s years ago now. Currently I’m sort of between games, I’ve got a Total Extreme Wrestling save that I dabble with now and then when I have some spare time.
Tears of the Kingdom. Took me about 150 hours but I completed almost every shrine and I think had most of the equipment. Fantastic game with a really strong ending (though that part could’ve been a bit tougher in my opinion).
Basically beats BOTW in every way.
Breath of the Wild. I got interested in the lead up to Tears of the Kingdom coming out. Finished it the day before. Still haven’t started tears though…
TotK is very similar to BotW, not a bad idea to take a break between the two.