Usenet is unmoderated. Once you post it, it sticks forever. We could probably get one of the independent providers to give free access to a new newsgroup. Anyone have any thoughts?
I’ve used Usenet for my content needs for years because it’s so fast and risk free. I think we could also use it for our community discussions.
IRC xdcc when?
IRC/XDCC/FTP was never old, it was always relavent to those who always used it. This options is as good and/or better than torrents/usenet. But whatever you choose chances are you will find what you are looking for.
We can go back to XMODEM, or using HS/LINK to courier some warez to some BBSes ;)
Why go back to XMODEM if BBSs still exist and widely used? You can use BBS in 2023.
I think your definition of widely used and mine might be a tad different ;)
When there are thousands of bots, packs and users I think its widely used ;)
rubs hands togetherit’s all coming together!