realdlhughley on Instagram: "“Protect and Serve”… more like Torture and Lynch AT WILL!! This is a perfect example of how corrupt the “American Justice” system is. The men that carried out these HEINOUS CRIMES are THUGS AND CRIMINALS with the legal authority to do so with impunity. @pushingblack On January 24th, Six YT officers in Braxton, Mississippi turned off their bodycams before illegally entering a home without a search warrant. A federal lawsuit reveals what happened. The officers claimed they were responding to a drug report, but when there were no drugs to be found, these cops didn’t stop. Instead, they proceeded to torture Michael Jenkins and Eddie Parker. They shocked them over and over with their tasers, beat them and kicked them. They waterboarded them. They even tried to rape the men with a sex toy. Throughout the night, they tried to force a fake confession out of the men, hurling racist slurs and accusing them of committing “racial violations” like dating YT women. They threatened to kill the men, holding their guns to their heads repeatedly. • At 11:40 PM, Deputy Hunter Elward placed his gun in Jenkins’ mouth and shot, shattering his jaw and irreparably damaging his tongue. He stumbled out of the house and fell to the ground and was just left there with no assistance for 20 minutes. Eventually, EMS showed up. Jenkins survived the life-threatening injuries, but his tongue had to be removed and he is now unable to speak. Both men are facing unspeakable trauma and will have a battle to find peace in their minds after being subjected to what can only be described as racial terrorism."
www.instagram.com1,723 likes, 207 comments - @realdlhughley on Instagram: "“Protect and Serve”… more like Torture and Lynch AT WILL!!
This is a perfect example of how..."
so just to immediately step in… we have a better source for this than Instagram, and i’d prefer if the OP link were changed to this one. this story is a few months old, and was picked up by Capital B.
Police Shot Handcuffed Black Man in the Face in Mississippi, Attorney Says: Michael Corey Jenkins is recovering in a hospital and unable to talk, weeks after an alleged encounter with Rankin County sheriff’s deputies.:
Holy fuck this is disgusting and just the other day someone was trying to tell me that people don’t need to be armed because of the color of their skin, gender, or sexuality.
Ludicrousness, all of it.
in fairness, i am kind of skeptical that being armed will really help you against the literal, actual cops, particularly if you’re a minority in this kind of situation. maybe it’d act as a preemptive deterrent—but if it doesn’t they’d then have pretext to murder you, and they’d probably get away with it.
Oh, for sure, with the cops pretty much anyone would be unlucky to have a firearm, especially in this instance, but if the hate is so severe that the police will do shit like this then what’s stopping regular people out on the streets?
Either of these men being armed would have resulted in both of their deaths, without doubt.
Suggesting that more firearms could have prevented or solved anything here is ludicrous.
Suggesting that vulnerable people avoid guns or disarm in the face of rising fascism targeting them is ludicrous. That’s not to say every situation would improve, or that this situation would’ve been different.
Edit: Also, lets be clear, the police don’t need the excuse of you having a weapon to shoot you, they’ve demonstrated repeatedly they will come up with an excuse and likely get away with it.
As the kind of person who is targeted by rising fascism, I would prefer you did not speak for us. I am firmly against gun ownership. The statistics show that having a gun on you makes you less safe, not more.
As someone who knows that you have no idea what “kind of person” @[email protected] is… I would suggest you don’t act like you can take away someones voice on behalf of “your” category of people.
Nobody can speak for a whole race, color, creed, type, or any other aggregate of people that includes the “whole” of people. They very well could be “vulnerable” themselves and you’ve just dismissed their statement in the affirmative against your stance.
And to preempt it. You also don’t know who/what I am. So don’t bother with your crappy logic on me either.
I didn’t say they weren’t a vulnerable person, merely that even if they were they did not speak for us.
If they cannot represent the entire class of people… Then you can’t either.
Next time just say “Don’t speak for me”.
Did I say I spoke for the entire class of people?
Who said I was speaking for “us”? And what makes you think I’m not in that group?
You are statistically much more likely to–accidentally or intentionally–kill yourself with a gun than successfully defend yourself against an attacker. Arming minorities will just result in more dead minorities.
I’d like to think that adults can make their own decisions regarding the safety of their lives.
We’re talking about people, not numbers and if owning a firearm is legal for someone to do so, I’m going to recommend that they do if they feel it is necessary and are willing to take the necessary precautionary measures as well as complete training with regular practice because these are dangerous weapons.
It’s like if someone tells their spouse that they won’t do laundry because they can’t operate a washing machine then they probably shouldn’t be driving a car.
Negligence will always result in some horrific accident but if an adult fears for their life, make your own choices, if negligence is one of those choices, you should’ve thought about that when you were afraid someone was going to shoot you.
Punishments for gun-related incidents resulting from negligence should be much higher.
People are numbers. Thinking you will be the exception to statistical realities is a fool’s errand. And it would be all well and good if the only people who suffered from the myriad gun deaths in this country were the people who bought the guns, but that’s not the case. They are also endangering their families and neighbors. It is just objectively true that you and the people around you become less safe, not more, the moment you buy a gun.
As someone who nearly killed myself with a gun and was only stopped because I was too depressed to fill out the paperwork to buy one, my life was directly saved by gun control. If I had lived in a state where buying a gun was easier, I would be dead. If I had still been living with my dad who owns guns, I would be dead. And I am part of a hated minority, just like the people you seek to protect. The statisical reality is that people like me are still more likely to kill ourselves with guns than to be killed by bigots, and moreover, that having a gun on you does not protect you from bigots. It only gives them something to take from you and use against you. Adding a gun to a situation only ever benefits the most violent and unhinged person in that situation.
I fully support euthanasia for terminal and incurable illnesses so if this is an attempt to make me feely guilty about people choosing to die, I don’t.
Suicide is not something that is unique to firearms and it never has been.
Saying the availability of something that can kill you is responsible for suicide is like saying education is responsible.
There are much more accessible ways of committing suicide so I personally do not see where you’re going with this.
This is not about terminal illnesses. I too support euthanasia. This is about mental illness. The fact is that if more guns are purchased, more mentally ill people will die.
As someone who has attempted suicide many times, I have no idea what you’re talking about. The fact is that if you want to end your life reliably and quickly, guns are your best bet by far. As part of being suicidal, I did intensive research into what the best way to kill myself was. The universal conclusion was guns. My other attempts did not work, obviously, and not for lack of trying. It is much, much harder to kill yourself than most people realize. Besides, statistics show that having a gun in the home significantly increases the likelihood of suicide.
Gas stoves used to be a popular method of suicide. Do you know what happened when they stopped being made? Suicides went down. So yes, the method of suicide IS responsible for suicides. It’s not true that people will just find another method of killing themselves. Suicide is often undertaken on a whim and people who survive attempts often never wind up killing themselves.
Why would I recommend that someone who is mentally ill buy a gun then? I was wondering why you brought this up in the first place.
Because when you recommend that people arm themselves, you are talking to us too. Mental illness is much more common than you think, and becoming even more common as late capitalism exacerbates the conditions which produce some forms of mental illness. Moreover, mental illness can hit at any time. Someone who showed no symptoms of mental illness before can snap one day and commit suicide or murder their family. When you recklessly recommend that people buy guns, you are increasing the likelihood that someone will commit suicide or homicide, due to mental illness or otherwise.
I’m not sure that creating a society of depressed people and then removing their means of self-harm (that are also useful for other things) is the best way to go about things.
While suicide can never be ended, we can work to make a world with fewer desperate people, and major parts of that are things like reducing systemic racism (e.g. this post is an example), and ending capitalism.
Every state purchasing in a store (every FFL) requires you to fill out paperwork [wait times may vary]. There is no mystical stores in some random state that sell guns without forms/paperwork. It’s a federal requirement. Even as a CCW in AZ, I still have to fill out a form even though I can take the gun home that same day (I have no wait time).
Private sales in every state doesn’t require documentation.
There is no difference here that I’m aware of for ANY state to the two above statements.
Unfortunately, there are no statistics that actually show how many gun defenses are successful each year. So you cannot say this without lying through your teeth. Some sources CLAIM to have this information… but likely don’t have the full data set. The CDC used to publish this information until pressured to take it down. They had estimated between 60k and 2.5 million “gun defense” events a year. The CDC will also say that we average <50k gun deaths per year(suicide being about 25k) in the USA. 60k>50k… which make you wrong just from that data alone. Once again the problem is we don’t know if “death” was an outcome of the “gun defense”. We also don’t know what that number really is between the 60k or 2.5mill… or something else. But the fact that with what we don’t know you’re wrong… and with what we knew you’re wrong… You’re just wrong… Statistically and logically.
To be clear, it wasn’t “you have to do literally any paperwork” that stopped me. It was the sheer amount of paperwork and hoops you have to jump through in my state to get a gun.
If anyone is lying here, it’s you. Literally just google it.
FFLs are required to do the same paperwork Form 4473 and the forms required for the following NICS check (or your CCW in states where the CCW includes a background check). Once again… it’s federal. How little you know about the process shows your biases though if you’re so willing to speak out against it.
Which is not your claim of
Which insinuates that you’re more likely to kill yourself and defend yourself with a gun.
Alright… next one…
Correct. The goal would be to de-escalate. Make the criminal run away. The goal of owning a gun isn’t to kill intruders. It’s to level the playing field so that you aren’t taken advantage of. This once again doesn’t match your statement.
Next one…
Does not make any comparison to defensive uses of guns… at all. Actually quite disingenuously… it specific targets cases where cohabitants shoot each other.
Your statement is
Statistically this is either dubious at best to and outright lie at worst.
So… Once again… Please address the question I asked. Stop trying to flood me with papers that don’t address it. 50k, which is the number that the CDC cites as total gun deaths per year in the USA (Cite1, Cite2, Cite3) is a lower number than 60k-2.5million (cite1 would be the CDC itself…, cite2, cite3. How is is that with these two numbers, that your statistics are right?
I think… and I’m not trying to be mean here… you’re uneducated on the matter or you have a personal grudge whether against guns or the group of people who tend to carry them. But your “statistics”… just don’t bare out to reality. You cannot simply equate these two things and make the claim you did. There is sufficient studies and evidence out there that show otherwise. You’re specifically taking studies that aren’t covering your statement and trying to apply them to yours.
Before I block you, I am simply going to drop this image from this article. I was mobile earlier, so my sources may not have been the best.
Oh, and this one is just for funsies: You have more success in not losing your property if you use literally any object other than a gun to defend yourself.
To be clear, I wanted that guys commentary on he was on Instagram, rather than a months old news article.