I run my phone without microG or Goggle Play Services.
Messaging apps run in the background so they can receive push messages, location works fine over GPS and speech recognition and synthesis works fine without Google Play Services or internet access (in English at least).
Gigaset GX290
It isn’t supported by TWRP, Magisk or any Custom ROM, so Android’s settings and ADB are the only ways to manipulate it.
There’s no way to install microG on it. So I still use some Google stuff (Speech recognition, speech synthesis and GBoard), but I deny them internet access through Netguard so they can’t phone home.
I run my phone without microG or Goggle Play Services.
Messaging apps run in the background so they can receive push messages, location works fine over GPS and speech recognition and synthesis works fine without Google Play Services or internet access (in English at least).
Which phone?
Gigaset GX290
It isn’t supported by TWRP, Magisk or any Custom ROM, so Android’s settings and ADB are the only ways to manipulate it.
There’s no way to install microG on it. So I still use some Google stuff (Speech recognition, speech synthesis and GBoard), but I deny them internet access through Netguard so they can’t phone home.
Which android version?
It should be supported by magisk I think
It’s actually riskier with a custom recovery since it’s not officially supported by the root solution developer(magisk in this case)
What happens if Magisk were to brick my phone? Can I reset it to unrooted factory defaults without TWRP?
You can, with fastboot
If you have a mediatek device, there’s sp flash tool
Btw you got some gsi potential