Intriguing theory. If anything comes of this direction of research, then there at least might be some hope for patients of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
The research articles mentioned in the video: (open access) (open access).
I really think that consciousness is just a combination of Narrow AI – that is, AI that is only good at a very specialized task. For example, we have a part of our brains specifically to process the raw data from our eyes, that’s a Narrow AI designed for that express purpose. When you combine all of the AIs that would be necessary for sight, smell, taste, touch, etc, as well as maintaining bodily functions, immune system, and other autonomic systems, you’ve essentially got an AI that can run a body.
However, at the point, that body would rely purely on instinct and only react to it’s environment. Add one more layer of Narrow AI whose purpose is to extrapolate the given information and make educated guesses and you’ve got the potential for intelligence. Because now you’re not just reacting to the environment but you’re actively thinking of how you can use all of those other Narrow AI that control your body to shape your environment, which is the basis of intelligence.