This is wasp propaganda!
Picture of OP
I’m fine with bugs that don’t bother me. Around my house, I’ve got a ton of red paper wasps. They’re assholes. My mere existence makes me a threat worth stinging. Same for the rest of my family. They can go fuck themselves.
Yeah I am a proponent of wasps but some of the paper wasps can be really mean. I mostly live around mud daubers and the like who are very chill and just hang out in my front yard
Oh yeah, I’ve got mud daubers, too. They’re cool; they don’t mess with me, and I don’t mess with them. It’s really just those big, red assholes (and the occasional yellow jacket) that are problematic.
if your house is wooden
- Buy a new house
- Buy a flamethrower
- extinguish the fire if possible
- throw a shovel onto a garden chair
Red hot chili paper wasps
I have some Goldenrod plants in the backyard where every summer a few hundred 5-banded Wasps congregate. The males mob a few plants to show themselves off, covering every leaf and branch and stem until they’re weighing the whole plant down, while the females buzz about checking out the dudes to decide who to mate with.
I’m grateful to support that colony; they’ve been on and around the neighborhood longer than I have, and honestly, they’re pretty chill. They’re not going to attack unless you do first, and they’re pollinators.
And for those people who view a mob of several hundred wasps on a single plant as being “gross”, just chill. They got a right to life like we do <3
I’ve never understood why people think wasps are so aggressive. At least where I live. They are curious like a bumblebee although slightly more persistent in hanging around.
If I am eating food, I leave a bit for them just within arms reach so they feast on that rather than what I’m eating.
They seem pretty chill if you’re willing to share your space and food with them.
Do you live on Big Rock Candy Mountain or possibly heaven itself?
Where I live the wasps are complete fucking assholes and will murder your whole family on accident because they’re such dicks. Also - do they not kill bees? They kill bees. They kill bees. They have chosen violence.
(Yeah, wasps made an enemy for life, one who knows how to use a jar half full of gasoline. Sucks to be them, they should have thought about the consequences of their actions, but they chose poorly.)
They seem pretty chill if you’re willing to share your space and food with them
That sounds like extortion though.
My future allies for the future water wars kindly disagree :)
Not a fan of wasps at all…
However, I’ve a friend who had been absolutely MOBBED by cicada’s this year, said it was a nightmare because it was so loud.
Sent him this image and told him he just needs to cultivate hundreds of wasps and he’ll be good next time around. :D
As long as the fuckers don’t try to build a nest near the house, they can have their fun. I don’t go messing with them otherwise. But my allergic ass ain’t playing when they’re right outside the door, helllll no.
Maybe i am just naïve but cant we just breed a fuckton of bumble and other more friendly bees to release around neighborhoods so to suppress wasp populations around humans.
Do wasps carry a role that cant be done by a different pollinator?
I get that we should strive for maximum bio diversity but the wasps where i live will literally land and crawl over your face. I can just about hold my breath and handle that, my kid cannot.
Wasps usually kill other bugs. So you might end up with more of the biting bugs without them.
TIL wasps kill spiders, (i looked it up). They are now my best friends. Wasps everywhere please. Genocide the spiders!!!
Wait then were gonna get mosquitoes……
I am starting to feel like maybe we should just let nature alone because it knows best… NAH, now that would be silly /s
Wait until you learn what spiders kill
Bears, right?
Well, spiders, mosquitoes and ticks all play an important role as well ;)
In order to get less parasites maybe we should let the biosphere do its thing and through less disturbance we would probably be less affected as well.
Considering we’re already just killing off native bee populations anyway, probably not
Calm unless the nest is threatened, but their interpretation of “threatened” is like just walking nearby
That will make me find the nest and neutralize it.
On the old site™️, they once shared a video of how someone killed a whole nest of wasps with gasoline. I commented how that was unnecessary animal cruelty (even illegal in Germany) and got downvoted into oblivion.
Gotta get that karma. 🫠 I’ve had that happen on there with things I research and I stopped bothering after a while. I look at it like a petri dish now.
Hey, the option of being stung multiple times by aggressive dickheads who absolutely have to nest outside your door is always on the table. Enjoy. Be forewarned though: they’ll sting you multiple times and it hurts like a motherfucker.
If they don’t want to be killed instantly they can nest 500 yards in that direction and no one will be the wiser. But they don’t.
They kill ticks
That is lovely. Ticks are far worse then wasps. Thanks for the info.
Can’t they also start to annoy ticks and fly around their faces?
Sounds like the BS people said about opossums.
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I’ve always been chill with wasps and never had a problem
I’ve had a yellowjacket nest next to my window for years and they never bothered me. Now I occasionally get these fucking huge hornets flying into my house but they are pretty chill too, they immediately understand they’ve taken a wrong turn and look for a way out
I had a nest outside my bedroom windows for years once, it was just fun watching them do their thing.
Yeah? I’ve been stung for literally no reason at least once (one little shit ran directly into me and stung me while I was painting my porch), otherwise a couple of times one of these little bastards got caught under my arm and it ‘defended’ itself due to its own stupidity. I hate wasps. I want to see them gone.
Nothing against wasps, but they do not make honey.
Smh pro wasp tankie propaganda on my lemmy
Never had issues with them. I’ve even picked them up from the pool with bare hands and they still wont sting.
A wasp stung me once 10 years ago so I now murder all wasps’ nests I see on sight.
Shouldn’t have fucked with the insect equivalent of an eldritch god with the power to wipe out your entire colony with a spray can.
Cool story bro