Imagine getting written up by your supervisor because you dared to look away from your monitor take your VR headset off to give your eyes a break
Imagine getting written up by your supervisor because you dared to look away from your monitor take your VR headset off to give your eyes a break
That is an awesome story. Thanks for sharing.
I’m sure you’re probably aware, but the Heroic Game Launcher has compatibility built in to install and launch both Gog and Epic games. Makes it almost as easy as steam to set up and get going. I can’t speak to any multiplayer/FPS games with anti-cheat shit though, probably SOL there
Not enough apparently
If you want a good book series that explores unchecked rampant corporatocracies in the near/distant future, check out The Unincorporated Man. 10/10
My brother and a friend built his computer and couldn’t figure this out. He called me a couple days later to vent some frustration and I said exactly the same thing.
“I know this is a stupid question, but is your Dport plugged into the mobo or the dedicated graphics card?”
I just picked up Cyberpunk, Jedi Survivor, and a few others on Steam’s Cyber Monday sale. Cyberpunk 2077 like playing a movie. It is incredible. I’m trying to finish up BG3 before I start into it, but it’s difficult not to
I’ve had less free time in the last few years than I would have liked, but you’re absolutely right. The last couple years have had some awesome titles given out for free.
I think the only one I’ve cracked open from Epic is Control. Awesome game I would highly recommend.
My w10 machine says it doesn’t meet minimum requirements for w11. I’m safe!
I learned Dvorak. It was a painful four months going from chicken pecking a few words per minute to touch-typing. I would echo this advice. DO NOT pop the keys off and replace them. There are too many things baked into the BIOS or when you reinstall the OS, and you need to find the right key on a QWERTY layout.
I know it’s painful, but learn to type without looking at the keyboard. Print off a paper guide and place it below the monitor, and reference THAT when key hunting. Being able to touch-type is a serious superpower you will thank yourself for learning in the future.
That’s a good point, and you’re probably right. With how expensive it is to survive, not to mention American healthcare, I don’t think I mind the tradeoff. I’d rather die immediately than have lifelong injuries I can’t pay for nor work off.
Well shit, I thought they were talking about cockrings too.
For real. If I’m getting an EV, I’m getting it for efficiency, not luxury. I wouldn’t be traveling across the state or the country. I’d be using it to get to work and get the groceries. You can’t tell me it’s not possible to make something with an electric motor, spartan accessories, and a decent range for less than 12-15k. Seriously, I don’t want a car that drives itself. I don’t really even want automatic transmissions, although electric almost negates the need for any transmission. I just want a car that is cheap, does the job, and that I don’t have to chop my left nut off for these days.
I regularly have YouTube channels on in the background as I work. After a few auto play recommendations that I wasn’t paying attention to, I ran into a couple about astronomy and I got excited for a second, because it was talking about the discovery of Planet X and other stuff… But as I paid attention to it, I recognised some blatant falsehoods, and it began to repeat itself with different verbage. It was really weird stuff too because I enjoy watching/listening to conspiracy and paranormal stuff.
I looked at the channel description and found out it was an entirely AI content generated account/channel. I was flabbergasted.