Refuge from f u/spez.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I wasn’t dunking on you once being a Reagan republican, my comment was towards your statement of “the GOP acting like this is blowing my mind.” And yes, we are allowed to learn and grow. That is a good thing that should happen. But, and we’re going to disagree here, it is definitely the natural progression. The southern strategy gave us so much craptastic politics, but number one in that is courting the lowest denominator in the hateful south. Breeding that throughout the party and filling it with the cocaine fueled parties of the ‘70s and ‘80s. This is the shit that created Limbah, Gingrich and the rest. The Koch family had been feeding and fomenting everything wrong with where we are before Reagan and still use Nixon and Reagan to this day as starting points for enshittification of our country. As a kid when Reagan was elected and an “adult” when he left office, I could tell where this bs was going. When you court people based on their worst qualities, you can only go down from there.