You should give them their erasers back mate
You should give them their erasers back mate
I am.
He hasn’t.
You’re the first Internet stranger to notice! Here’s a celebration emoji: 🎉
I call ahead now.
Everything old is new again.
Note linking is what did it for me a few years back. It’s possible in OneNote, and clunky as hell.
I was sold the moment I read links can be wiki style in Obsidian.
If one earns $10,000 per year, a $2,000 annual tax is 20% of annualized income.
If one earns $100,000 per year, it’s 2%.
The less one earns, taxes are a greater proportion of total income.
Often, flat tax concepts come (or should come with) tax exemptions for actual low-income folks.
They’ll regex those bug reports so fast it won’t even matter.
There are plenty of “compromised antenna” options for you; there are loads of amateur operators who simply run their antenna around the largest room in their apartment and make long-range communications. It’s not optimal, but it works.
There’s a whole movement in amateur radio right now which relies on being light and portable. A 15 meter carbon fiber mast, some wire, 12v and 100W and you can work the world from a park.
It’s been a while since I setup my system, but as I recall they are interconnected via the smart hub, and do not need internet at all. When I first configured our system, IOT was probably the topic of an exploratory whitepaper and not yet reliant on internet. But times have changed! Give it a bit more searching; we’ve been happy for quite a long time with the devices. They even have plugs which you can convert dumb devices to a smart HA device—but you’ll have to get them on eBay because they’ve been discontinued:/
Caseta switches can handle 3-pole switches in exactly the way you’ve described. You could even set them up with dimmers, pico remotes (and eliminate one of the switches). If you get the wireless bridge (now known as Smart Hub) you might be able to tie it into your HA depending on your ecosystem.
Network effect with a hint of extortion.
When the AirBnB details say “flat screen TV” instead of giving the dimensions
Taliban, August 2021: “We’ll be different this time, we swear!”
This is the same tool @Ghost.org is (was?) using to bring federation to publishers using the Ghost platform.
Everything old becomes new again.
This is how extension cables are recharged.
They just used a short one for demonstration purposes.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit.
Worse. Willing to bet this port came with infrastructure money and a guarantee that if the Peruvians don’t pay the Chinese seize the port, becoming de facto sovereign territory.
For good reason. It’s basically a speed run of enshittification from day-one.
Have you tried turning it off and back on again?
Everything old is new again.