I’m here to satisfy my addiction to doomscrolling. Bring on the memes.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 6th, 2023


  • We live out of town (8 hours away) so we visit for a week over Christmas every year. My in-laws live an hour away from my parents so we attempt to split the time as best as we can. We are not allowed to stay at my in-laws because we have a dog that isn’t friendly. My family is super understanding and has worked really hard to gain her trust. My in-laws refuse to do anything except talk bad about her and complain that we don’t visit enough. The worst this year has been that my sister’s (24) boyfriend just broke up with her like 3 weeks ago (by dropping off her belongings and blocking her) so she’s going through it. She had a perfectly fine time for a day or two, went out with us, would have conversations, but then started locking herself in her room (she still lives with my parents). But there’s been a few uncalled for moments in my opinion, breakup or not, like telling my mom “I had a list for a reason” while opening presents because my mom got her something else she might like (especially since her entire list was hunting and fishing stuff, activities she did with her ex). Also my two year old was sobbing outside her locked door, begging to see her, and was ignored. We always do a sibling activity together (go out to a fancy restaurant, escape room, axe throwing) and this year she was hot and cold with it. We would discuss doing something and she wouldn’t say anything but only text us later that she was never planning on going. Finally last night I went off on her a bit. Told her I never get to see her and I wanted to go out and to spend some time with her. That I’m sorry she was having a shitty time but it wasn’t my fault. I’ve never had a great time visiting for holidays but I’ve never been more excited to go home that I am this year.

  • I work in an elementary school and my kid goes to daycare. We will have weeks of themed days at the same time but with different dress-ups. I’ll be wearing red and she’ll be having a silly sock day. I’ll have a grinch day and she’ll have a Santa hat day. I get what they’re going for but the 2 year olds don’t really care and even the elementary kids get burnt out of dressing up all the time.

  • My uncle landed himself in jail after getting drunk and beating up his 19 year old son. His wife has refused to leave him so while we haven’t cut her off completely it’s weird now. There was a big rift when my mom said he wasn’t invited to Christmas. Also, my grandmother (my aunt and my dad’s mom) died a few months ago and we found out that my aunt had been taking a lot of money from her over the years as well.

  • Yeah I wasn’t sure how to word it because I know that different places have different naming mechanisms. But from 6-18 years old I was homeschooled. There was a co-op or two where I technically did classes with others, and I did a year of Cyber school before it was cool but most of my education came from me self-teaching from textbooks and “curriculum”.

  • I like these badges, and want them for my school. First, we absolutely need better gun laws and need to change the gun culture in the United States. But even the school shooter stuff aside, we have 700 elementary kids at my school. Several are prone to seizures. Several are diabetic. MANY have life threatening allergies. Several have disabilities (or poor parenting/lack of resources at home) that leave them prone to outbursts that at a minimum disrupt the classroom and at most endanger the safety of the other students. We do not have enough walkies to give one to every teacher who has a severe need in their classroom. That leaves the option of calling the front office or going to the wall and pushing the call button for the office to respond. Badges like this can help so many stressful situations, and eliminate the excessive amount of chatter on a walkie.