Gotta hit 100 persint!
Gotta hit 100 persint!
He couldn’t and didn’t pursue this when he wasn’t a lame duck. Get real on that fixing your legacy in a month thing
Being chided by Trump supporters over the UHC shooting while they gloss over literal violence caused by their guy is so fucking funny.
At this rate I’ll go buy a cheap used torch, slap two decent ebikes together and make my own. I literally need something to hold groceries a few miles I’m not blowing 100k on a vehicle with panel gaps as wide as the holes in musk’s ideology.
Considering he won again the majority of America is a long list of shitty people to go through.
Would I rather change and lose some power over opinion, or shall I die on this hill penniless and allowing America to burn?
As the DNC imma go with B.
I’ve tried their conclusions with my family. Results negative.
Maybe some are more open than others but I found just not bothering with them at all is making more of an impact that trying to explain tariffs.
They’re working on a hemp ban and offering biblical curriculum for extra money to the school. Plenty of reasons to flee remain.
I’ve fiddled with a few models but my woeful home server gets like 20 words a min. Maybe my setup is the issue.
Is there any non pos I can give my AI money to to get coding advice?
Do we need to defend oxygen from these people next?
Oh no wait no point they love poisoning that too. RFK soon enough too I’m sure.
As of this isn’t the future Trump envisions for himself…
Like a fucking gang needing to see you killing someone in a TV series to gain trust ffs.
Admit we need a equitable system and change the system then the violence will quell.
It’s not hard they just have to admit they’re greedy monsters is all.
Well nau if dem so smart why don’t they have no answer for when Trump fucked everything up? Welp betta vote fuh Trump a third time!
Elites just know that cat is out of the bag or what?
“We should do a post mortem but first, fuck you specifically AOC.”
Seems like a good plan after not doing it the first time Trump won.
Useless welts.
Fuck this idiot piece of shit. Hasn’t even started and I’m so sick of this nation again.
Just using it for a temporal reference as he’s out of time in his presidency. Any other meaning not intended.