Because learning about a religion is not the same as followimg or being made to adhere to it concepts.
Because learning about a religion is not the same as followimg or being made to adhere to it concepts.
I’ve just tried it and it does have a folder view for each library.
Absolutely. I was acknowledging that with the word ‘try’.
Of course my suggestion wasn’t without limits. Personally I will try to help/teach anyone once. If they continue to not make any effort then neither will I.
Try teaching them.
Yeah I hear you, those experiences would no doubt stear you to something that provided an outlet. But, and I want to acknowledge that I’m not dismissing anything you endure, ultimately rebellion is what we’re talking about and the eventual outlet is almost irrelevant.
I’m glad you’re able to share music you like with you son.
It’s the same though isn’t it? While it’s not the reason why we liked the music we liked (more punk than metal for me but same difference) it was always a bonus if your parents didn’t like it. That’s exactly the reaction that kids are getting from their parents now!
You’ve just jumped at the opportunity to prove my point.
I love to read and I have loved reading the ASOIAF series and of course I’d love to get to the end (I never bothered to watch the TV show). But I can’t get my head around the entitlement to that finale meaning I can complain about another human’s mortality! If I get them then great, but the constant need to piss and moan about it just baffles me.
Oh good, another chance for people to casually talk about how they expect a person to die soon.
Excellent. That’s basically my super power.
Now that just reminds me of a blast from the past.
Holy shit it still exists! I remember looking on this website around 2001/2. Fuck that really makes me feel old.
There used to be an effort made with how you play a game to get achievements. The Orange box was a great example of this. The ‘Little Rocket Man’ and ‘The One Free bullet’ achievements both made you play the game in a different way. Sadly now it’s mostly just ‘play the game’ ‘collect all the things’.
Disco Elysium
Well yeah sure but if I have the choice I know which I’d go for! I don’t know what you mean though, what bu
But there’s a difference between “dying and going somewhere with others” and dying surrounded by loved ones.
Oh shit you’re right it is Hampshire. It’s so close I just assumed it was Dorset. My bad.
Let’s not forget Dorset also has the village of Sandy Balls
Yeah I did. I don’t know what I thought I read when I replied to your comment but somehow I interpreted it entirely opposite to what you actually wrote. I’m going to just go with an all encompassing ‘I was a bit tired’ and offer my apologies as we we’re basically in agreement.