Always. XKCD. Always.
That’s Dr. Theodore Talker. I didn’t receive a 2-hour Cambodian doctorate for nothing.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
You are confusing racism with bigotry.
Racism is the system. Bigotry is the individual.
If you are operating a motor vehicle, you are required to hold a license to operate that vehicle. Ergo, if you are operating the vehicle, the police can ask for proof of your licensure to operate that vehicle, and you are reauired to produce it. That is not covered under search and seizure.
My spouse had a suped up Challenger named Gurtrude. It was a funny reaction when people saw it for the first time. They expected a beater.
Racist Rapist Convicted Felon is scared to have a discussion with a woman POC.
What a bitch.
I thought it was Intel’s old processor architecture.
What numbers database are you referencing? Is there a GayTaBank somewhere that I need to know about?
Does no one else see that Clarence Thomas (who has been accused [with proof] that he took millions in “gifts”) is sitting on a court that just overturned a rule the would hold him accountable to receiving those gifts?
What the actual fuck?
Government contracts to rebuild infrastructure would be won by private industry.
A) Is this is so the old folks can have a potty break? B) How capitalist have we become that we commercialize the presidential debate openly? I wonder if these will be SuperBowl-level ads.
You know?
It’s just one of those days.
Not allegations.
ADMISSION of molestation.
Nope. I actually never want to be described as nice.
Fair, though? Yes, I would like to think that I am fair.
Step 1. Cut a hole in a box. 2. Put your junk in the box. 3. Make her open the box.
And that’s the way you do it!
I wonder if this is remote work.
There is a big uptick in qualified, competent people interviewing for a job and then SOMEONE ELSE doing the job. This has nothing to do with any region or ethnicity. It’s just an issue that teams are facing with remote work.
The management should do their due diligence to make sure they hire the right person and train the new-hire appropriately.