Storage. SanDisk recently announced an 8TB SD card. I remember back when all I had was 1.44MB floppy disks in like the 90s.
Storage. SanDisk recently announced an 8TB SD card. I remember back when all I had was 1.44MB floppy disks in like the 90s.
It does! It’s on the Google Play store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.odysee.app
I had a old job that told me that code is “self documenting” if you write it “good enough”. And that comments were unnecessary.
It always annoyed the heck out of me. Comments are imo more helpful than hurtful typically.
Is it just me? Or am I weird? Lol.
What about red ones and blue ones? Are they birds too? 🤭 /s
My desktop is for home and gaming use. However I also have a gaming laptop which I bought for whenever I travel. That said, I don’t travel much… shrug
I actually ended up using my gaming laptop as a way of playing VR games in my room so that I have more privacy. Although I’ll still unplug and take it with me whenever I travel.
I also just recently got a Samsung Galaxy S24+ and a touchscreen display to use DeX mode as a tablet of sorts. Mostly for note taking when I don’t want to take my heavy gaming laptop.
I’m all over the place lol. I also work in the tech field. Computer Programmer. So yeah… lol.
Because our current voting system is “first past the post”. And that it eventually leads to an inevitable 2 party system.
This video is one of my favorites that explain this problem. https://youtu.be/s7tWHJfhiyo?si=ri9DbpvXxjyRonN3
Google “Odysee”.
It’s currently my preferred YouTube alternative. Granted it obviously doesn’t have as much content as YouTube. But several well known content creators post to both YouTube and Odysee now.
Some of the ones I follow include: Louis Rossman, Anton Petrov, SomeOrdinaryGamers, and Zach Star Himself. Just to name a few.
And there’s also a browser extension called “Watch on Odysee” which adds a button to the YouTube video if the video is also found on Odysee so you can “watch on Odysee” instead of YouTube. Which can help you locate your favorite youtubers on the platform and let you follow them.
And there is also an Odysee mobile app if you like watching videos on mobile.
This is just one example, but I hope it helps ;-)
My version of a TLDR:
Spotpass is a wireless tech that would auto connect with other 3ds or Wii U systems that were in the immediate area albeit with a limited range. It was their way of having a social community. Sort of like how you might meet other people while walking around outside.
In the case of Spotpass, when you connected, it would show you the user’s profile, their favorite games, etc. And in some cases for specific games it would provide special DLCs or content that cannot be found elsewhere.
Hence why we’d want to preserve that data since some DLC and other features are exclusive to Spotpass.
Sunset Neon - Tonight https://youtu.be/IUvvGf8T7wM?si=xVJ9gCMi-vAudZ0H
In the documents folder. The documents folder.
no… No please…
In the pictures folder. Cmon…
oh god why…
The… The downloads folder?
: '-(
For those that don’t know… This is a reference to this video. https://youtu.be/cUbIkNUFs-4