Isn’t “Arbeitsnehmer” one who takes labor? I would think the worker gives his or her labor, and the industrialist takes it.
Isn’t “Arbeitsnehmer” one who takes labor? I would think the worker gives his or her labor, and the industrialist takes it.
You do not need to be part of opec to sell oil. The US, UK, and Norway, just to name three, are not members.
It’s not a social construct, it’s a legal concept
White isn’t a color, it’s a state of mind
Purple? Did you misspell lavender?
I can’t stress how important this is: babysitting does not, in fact, involve sitting on baby.
I assume that anything in slang or music that I don’t understand is either about sex or drugs.
“Aside from people who [benefit from self-checkout], it’s hard to see who benefits from self-checkout.
It wants to protect you in your moment of vulnerability
Took me a minute that he wasn’t talking about an actor pretending to be dead, so I was confused at first.
What if we plugged the holes with the corpses of the workers we had to sacrifice to achieve a hole-free hull?
I agree with your friend, I’ve been in the same job. But I also return my cart.
She not even a boomer, she’s Silent Generation
Their idea of a “tech worker” is an angel investor
Spoken like someone who never came close to SAP
In the early 90s I bought a second hand IKEA twin bed. It has survived a transatlantic move and is still around.
They probably just need a drink. Offer them a Molotov Cocktail.
How about… an undisclosed character limit? We’ll just keep telling you your password is invalid until you figure out the max length.
Article 1, section 8: