Acceptable child to terrorist death ratio is legitimately 2:1 and accept 3:1 only if we get to eat the children afterwards.
Acceptable child to terrorist death ratio is legitimately 2:1 and accept 3:1 only if we get to eat the children afterwards.
OP likely had a disgusting rotting mouth, with deep gingival pockets-of-pus, from never flossing and brushing their fucking teeth.
My friend is a periodontal surgeon and tells me the most horrendously disgusting shit people tolerate (sometimes with photos) and that level of extraction that OP is complaining about sounds close to one of his very gory horrific descriptions of people neglecting simple oral hygiene.
This is why I truly believe there is no God.
How the fuck do dipshit millionaires like Trump, monarchs, and wealthy despots all over the world live safe, fantastic, lazy lives of high quality, meanwhile genuinely good-hearted, selfless, caring, hard-working people elsewhere live in abject poverty and danger?
It’s almost like there’s two fucking political parties running the congressional show, yeah Dr Sawin?
Nah, the dwemer understood the logical fallacy of data redundancy and CHIM, so they
ptr = null
A bootloader is not the BIOS, dipshit.
Another Garmin recommendation from me as well. They are built well, and not shitty with their apps.
What was the university and degree program? I might want to check it out.
Why did they remove SMS support?
This is a great list, however the Bypass Paywall script is blank?
How would you add this to your resume? What would you write it as?
Commenting here to save this conversation.
What will you do if that domain goes down, blocks you, or simply disappears?
How could you miss?
Because republicans don’t actually regularly train with the firearms they own, they leverage them to project their insecurities instead.
Yours is the obvious correct answer, yet people like OP still have to ask?
Nope. Let them dipshits learn the hard way.
“Conspicuous gallantry” is the key word in all of them. They get rejected so easily if they have bad or inaccurate writing in them, that it takes decades and Pentagon as well as congressional approval including thousands of people throughout the process reading the citations on the award before getting the stamp of approval.
It means the dudes that earned them did something so absolutely fucking brave in the face of 100% certain death to save their battle-buddy or win an engagement with the enemy, that only someone with very specific and slight insane suicidal state of mind would even dream of considering. No one normal in regular combat earns a Medal of Honor.
Fuck Trump.
God damn it. F U C K!
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What are you going to do about it? Complain more on the same internet invented mostly by the country you hate?
It’s like you’re protesting Chinese slave labor but posting it on your slave labor produced electronics like a hypocrite.