Supporting Israel or health insurance companies is advocating for violence.
Supporting Israel or health insurance companies is advocating for violence.
Do you think that every single person in Czechoslovakia dropped dead when it ceased to be a political entity
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It’s still projection. You are incapable of caring about the genocide of millions, and so you assume that everyone else is too.
war thing everyone gets so invested in yet no one does anything about beyond participating in thinly veiled socialization rituals and including symbols of support into their wardrobes and memes.
We can’t reeducate or shoot the reactionaries because that would make us evil authoritarian tankies
Oh no, the reactionaries we didn’t reeducate or shoot instituted an armed takeover and now they’re torturing and killing us along with countless innocent people! It was worth it to preserve our moral purity, though
You’ll find that it’s not possible for the US to completely pull out of supporting them with military aid.
Then the US must die.
I can see how you’d think that if you didn’t make any attempt at all to understand what Angel was trying to tell you.
This is a discussion about piracy.
You’re the one who brought up veganism you complete fucking clown
Carnists don’t count
Insects, crustaceans, and mollusks do not have any form of consciousness.
I do not believe animals to be sentient
And why do you believe that?
I do not equate death or servitude with suffering.
So you wouldn’t have any objections if you were taken as a slave and worked to death, right? Because those aren’t suffering?
I have no issues with someone not supporting animal torture, but I take issue with self-righteous people such as yourself who can’t help but talk about how superior their choices are.
There is no functional difference between your original text and my bolded replacement. To be a carnist is to, through your actions, support animal torture.
Same reason vegans hate on omnivores - they’ve taken the high road and the benefits are small while the cost is high.
Nah, that’s not why we hate you
Oh boy, another excuse to link this article!
Wait, the goodies tell us. Wait for Albion. It’ll arrive. Just be patient. Well, Albion is a very old promise… and, whatever the panglossian liberal morality plays we call family entertainment may say, we’re still bloody waiting. At least the villains, unlike Merlin, are trying to kick up a stink about the delay.
Communism allows everyone to pretend to have free stuff by declaring those that actually make it less than human, and thus less than citizens.
Your crops are picked by exploited immigrants, the coltan in your electronics mined by African child slaves, and the electronics themselves assembled on 14-hour shifts by sweatshop workers under capitalism. And you still have to pay for them.
What you’re describing are colonialism and slavery, both of which are time-honored, bedrock capitalist institutions.
I would’ve thought you would appreciate the Nazis since back in '41 they brought you the liberation from Russia you so sorely desire