It’s what plants crave
It’s what plants crave
Killed that cornbread, if you know what I mean! … Eh, eh? … I’ll see myself out.
But we also need lawyers. If only to slow shit down.
Hit the old man enough to win by decision but not actually hurt him. That’s the only real winning path - and exactly what happened.
I’d vote for you if even one of these getss worked on. We
Execs at Pfizer: “Shit, time to fire up the checkbook. That’ll shut him up.”
Basically the US response playbook for NKorea for the last 50yrs. Them: Does something antagonistic. Us: $hutup.
Both of those languages LOVE to compound their nouns - smashing smaller words into massive ones. Like the simple “pasta + asciutta = pastasciutta = dried pasta” or not simple “Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän = Danube steamship transport company captain”. All languages do it, but these do it with gusto.
Hard to tell. Need something like “bits of information per syllable” to get at efficiency. Just eyeballing it, Vietnamese, English, and Cantonese seem most likely the most efficient.
Sadly some people think “revenge” is a good enough platform to qualify sometime for the top office. As long as the revenge is at least pretending to target people they already don’t like or that they’ve been programmed to think had wronged them in some way.
Why does anyone believe anyone is on the fence right now?
There are people who had made up their minds months ago, or longer, and cowards.
Is it “what” or “wtf”? Latter makes a lil more sense to blur.
3 and I’ll be kicking the whole fucking time
A prosecutor. Not specifically his. But he has so many they all kinda blend together.
Why did that feel like a repurposed eulogy?
Why not just swap?
One major complication to this is that many on that non-voting left are just unable to. Systematic voter suppression that adds unnecessary hurdles to voting, poll location closures, and just the fact that many of these folk can’t take the day off to vote, all come together to drive these numbers way down.
Your vote matters.
And if you want to multiply your impact, help some other folk to the polls. Last cycle I messaged my neighborhood that if anyone wasn’t able to get to the polls due to a transportation limitation that I’d drive them. I got 9 people turned out who wouldn’t have. And don’t wait for election day. Start early. Help folks who may need an ID or to get registered to get over that hump, and get people out to early voting if it’s available in your area. These are easy, and it builds representation for your community. Do it.
He does! It’s not a number that black people made up.
He would’ve been fine, but the treatment didn’t fit
Eh… best lit review I could find only found that smell predicted preferences among non-birthcontrol-using fertile women. So… Smell nice around them maybe? Lit review
Hey look, Google killed something that could be great rather than spending time making it work. How novel…