Oh interesting, i am not super familar with zfs’ tools, so thats pretty cool! Ill have to look at that for my storage array.
Tech Dude // Linux Infrastructure Admin // Automation Nut // Privacy Advocate
Oh interesting, i am not super familar with zfs’ tools, so thats pretty cool! Ill have to look at that for my storage array.
How has zfs replaced rsync for you? One is a filesystem, and the other is a filesyncing tool. Does zfs do something im not aware of lol?
Yea sorry, the creation of an ethno-state in palestine through colonialism. I did not know that its older than isreal though, good to know.
And shauns vids are top tier lol.
Someone correct me if im wrong, but Zionism is Isreali radical nationalism, their primary goal is the creation of a Jewish ethno-state in current isreal and palestine.
The Youtuber Shaun has a great video going through the history of the conflict and Zionism: https://youtu.be/3xottY-7m3k
I think its still piracy but i pay for deezer just so i can use deemix to get their FLACs lol.
Nah fuck the police AND the rich
I dont think so? As far as I can tell, my account still works and I bought an album there the other day.
It looks like the company has been sold around a few times in the last few years and i think its gotten worse, but I honestly cant tell lol
If you can, and they have it on there, buy your favorite albums on Bandcamp, then they are yours forever
Honestly one of my favorite photos
I did my part 🫡
Ive had this problem extensively, but my new Dell XPS’ works out of the box!
Can confirm, grew beard during lockdown, never went back!
I found someones old internet shrine about them a few weeks ago, they really are crazy interesting. And definitely of the cosmic horror variety lol
Yea this may be the case for some mormons, maybe, but they as a whole are not very tolerant at all. We had a mormon in our school who was very vocal about his dislike about a couple where one was trans. He pretended to be a nice guy, but his views were gross when they came bubbling to the surface.
I dont buy that mormons are a tolerant group for a second.
Agreed, i had more issues on Manjaro than i ever did on raw Arch. The Manjaro team, at least during the time i used it, didnt seem very good at keeping things working. So many issues with bad packages, keys expiring, stuff like that.
Arch was a blessing.
However, NixOS has ascended me to heaven lol.
I would like to kill a billionaire. Just once, as a treat.
Yea im pretty sure flatpak suports bundles that you can install directly, just like an appimage
Lmao what? Please, explain to me how thinking neither new companies or existing companies should be allowed to be doing what their doing, is hypocritical.
No lol, no one should. Me saying AI tech startups shouldnt be allowed to use stolen data means i endorse existing companies who have already stolen it.
But just because companies have already done it also doesnt mean we should be allowing new companies to also do the same thing.
Its the “new hype tech product background” gradient lol