From what I can find Apple and Google bowed to political pressure and removed all apps designed to do this. Unfortunately I can’t find a working alternative right now. Thanks for pointing this out to me.
From what I can find Apple and Google bowed to political pressure and removed all apps designed to do this. Unfortunately I can’t find a working alternative right now. Thanks for pointing this out to me.
ACLU’s Mobile Justice app automatically uploads videos to ACLU servers.
No, Stanley is much older than either of those brands. They are a tool manufacturer that also makes appliances and camping gear. Stanley thermoses were the gold standard for insulated containers in the early 20th century.
I think GOG might be an exception to this, where they will never revoke access to the games you previously bought, but I am not 100% sure of their policies.
They are, when you buy a game from gog they send you the installation files. You install and run it with your own hardware whereas with Steam and other digital gaming companies you are just getting access to the game on their servers. By sending you the installers and letting you play independently from their servers gog gives up the ability to lock you out. It’s the primary reason that they should be the first choice for where to buy a digital version of a game. The upside is that it’s the closest you can get to actually owning a digital copy of a game; the downside is that playing on another device requires that you transfer files and reinstall rather than just logging into a remote server.
Lose It! for diet and Peloton for fitness.
In games that have gender based perks, like Agent of Dibella in Skyrim or LadyKiller/Black Widow in the Fallout games tend to be stronger for female characters because more of the NPC’s are male. This is more adding another reason than claiming that it’s the main reason. I don’t exclusively play either male or female but typically when I play a female character it’s because I’m building a character that is less physically aggressive. I know this is playing into stereotypes but sword and board tends to be male while stealth archer tends to be female.
The movies don’t all have to be connected by a single overreaching narrative, give us some standalones. Give us a feel good Justice Society movie and a utopian sci-fi Legion of Superheroes. It would also be nice to move away from the core Justice League team and world or universe level threats. Let Nightwing stop the Zodiac Master’s plan to rob a series of banks.
My neighbor was a maintenance man at an apartment complex and was bitten while emptying mouse traps. He was infected with a virus that caused some kind of lymphatic disease that developed into viral meningitis. He wound up spending months in hospitals and rehab and has permanent brain damage and disability. It was treatable if he had gone to the Dr earlier but healthcare is expensive and hard to access so he decided to wait and see if it’d pass.
The money=morality messaging was pretty off-putting.
One beside the bed, one in the kitchen, and one near the front door.
For oven fires turn off the oven and shut the door. An oven is a fire box, it will contain the blaze. The oven probably isn’t completely airtight but it should be close enough that the fire will use up the oxygen and extinguish itself quickly (the vent will pull hot air out but not let cooler air back in). Let it sit for a while and cool after you can’t see flames anymore to make sure the fire doesn’t reignite when you open the door and let fresh air in. Fire can damage the elements and seals so the oven needs serviced before being used again but so long as the fire was only inside the oven it should be repairable.
Make sure your fire extinguisher has the right rating for the place it is stored. For the oven grease fire, and most kitchen fires, a class K extinguisher would have been most appropriate because it is designed to put out cooking oil fires with minimal splashing.
I would argue that having facts without context isn’t knowing. I accept the definition of knowledge to be justified true belief. Ultimately this is a probabilistic argument, Solipsism cannot be overcome so we can never absolutely know anything but phenomenologically it is best to assume our external reality exists and functions roughly the way we perceive it. With absolute knowledge out of reach we need a functional construction to serve in it’s place. Justified true belief is as close to absolute knowledge as we can achieve. In this construct belief uses it’s conventional definition, true means that it doesn’t contradict reality as we perceive it, and justified means that we can point to strong evidence in our perceived reality to support the belief. Without at least some context the belief cannot be justified so the thing cannot be known.
The Secret Service are police. They are most well known for protecting presidents and their families but their original and primary mandate is to protect the integrity of US currency. They have jurisdiction over all federal financial crimes and a particular focus on counterfeiting.
The Secret Service are law enforcement. Protecting presidents and their families is there most visible role but their original mandate and still primary role is to protect the integrity of US currency with a particular focus on combating counterfeiting.
The Georgia case will be televised, this is one of the federal cases.
Cigarettes aren’t the best treatment for anything and the potential benefits never outweigh the harm but cigarette smoking treats some types of ulcers, colitis, and a few other lower GI issues. It may also prevent or reduce the severity of Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s dementia, endometrium cancer, uterine fibrosis, and endometriosis. It also negatively correlates with DVT and may make you more likely to survive if you have a heart attack.
You can see down votes on Kbin. The reduces are down votes.
The Chambers Flintlock Pattern Gun is also not equivalent to a modern machine gun. Modern machine guns are recoil driven meaning they use the recoil from the last shot to fire the next. Pattern guns chain charges with a projectile between each charge. Once you start firing a pattern gun it doesn’t stop until there is no more ammunition. This was a ship mounted gun that couldn’t be reloaded quickly enough to be used more than once per battle. There were pistol and musket versions created but their capacity scaled down with their size. The ship mounted version is the only one that saw wide manufacturing and use because the single burst slow reloading gun was less effective than the faster reloading more accurate muzzleloader musket.
The Puckle gun had been invented but it was never in wide use or used in war. There is only good evidence for 2 of them to have ever been built. It was also basically nothing like what we would call a machine gun now.
The Gatling gun was invented in 1861 and first saw wide use during the American Civil War. (Approx 4 score and 7 years after the Revolutionary War.)
The Girandoni air rifle was invented and used shortly after the revolution and the founders likely would have been aware of it but it is an air gun not an automatic or semi-automatic rifle. The air tank was good for about 30 rounds but filling the air tank required pumping the hand pump about 1,500 times.
In terms of the advancement of firearms technology here’s something to consider. While both breach loading and rifling were crudely implemented much earlier it wasn’t until America’s westward expansion in the mid 19th century that they came into their modern forms and became standard features on batch produced weapons.
We voted on 6 statewide offices yesterday Beshear won one and the other 5 including Attorney General and Secretary of State went to Republicans.