I do not believe for 1 second any of the talk from either Hawley or Tillis is truthful. They say they oppose the recess appointments but they will end up rubber stamping anyoneTrump puts forward. I really think Gaetz would have gotten through. Oh sure Mukorwski or Collins would be “very concerned” about it but would vote accordingly.
I am starting to believe the theory Trump is putting up the worst possible people so when one gets rejected he can try to force Congress to adjourn and then appoint whomever he wants which will be 100% worse.
Not that Trump thought of this but someone, Miller, is pulling the strings
You forgot they are eating the cats too.
I dont think so in this case. Texas judge was the first one to find him guilty by default. Even Texas Supremem Court slapped down his argument that the suit was not valid. They do not seem to want to play ball with his bullshit.
He just needs to have his coffee out that giant fucking mug he carried around
Just going to leave this here.
Only real question is do they go with matching, Brown, Black, or Silver shirts
That man runs on spite and vengence. With as much as he has and based on Kissinger living to nearly 100 I wouldnt be surprised if Trump makes it past 100.
The 4% are the ones who think it will help them until it is their turn to be the ones shit on.
That was step 1. This is like step 12
Good news. Its not going to be over on election day. After that we get something like 70 more days until innaguration where god knows what will happen. Time to strap in
He is going to be a martyr no matter how he dies.
The conspiracy theories around his death are going to make every other conspiracy theory look quaint.
Pretty sure Kissenger just forgot to renew his contract with Satan
Based on people living out of spite i feel like he has another 20-30 years.
Is that in state polls or national polls? National polls mean dick all when it comes to the electoral college. Republicans have won the popular vote once i think since the start of the 2000s. Hell maybe even back to when Bush Sr was elected. The president is going to be decided by like 100k people across 7 or so states. 100k may be generous though.
Texans, are likely more purple than anything. Transplants are more red. I dont know if there was ever verification of data but an example is that in 2018 native Texans voted for O’Rourke by like 2%? I think while transplants voted for Cruz by like 5%? Or something. Enough to tilt the race in his direction.
Trump runs on hate and vengence. Based on Kissinger he is going to live to be 200