I bet that’s why poisoning was so big before guns. Like who has the time to learn archery.
I bet that’s why poisoning was so big before guns. Like who has the time to learn archery.
I’m unreasonably excited for this. 28 Days scared me shitless as a teenager and I want to be without shit again.
Steampunk Legend of Zelda would be a great cover.
Brian Thompson is such a nothing name, I was wondering who it was by the time I got to your comment.
Maybe a bunch of folks decided they’d rather hire a hitman than pay their deductibles.
And it’s way easier to get a compound bow than a gun, and not that much harder to learn.
It’ll be like that town that got together to kill that one asshole and no one would say shit about it. That dude got murdered by a whole town, this dude got murdered by a country.
Beautifully phrased. Make science about science again, not about flash in the pan personalities.
That sucks. Hard to be yourself around people when navigating their fragile beliefs is like playing epistemological fiddlesticks. Weird when most executive chefs are male.
I donno the answer. Make 'em some pink sparkle shortbread infused with whiskey and bacon and watch their minds implode.
The last question is a leading one and poorly framed, so I won’t answer it. This is a thread about two comments on a discussion, we don’t know the context of what came before or any relationship these two people had.
But yeah, in my circles of women who are just fucking tired, we’ve all been told we gotta let men be men, and that’s somehow our responsibility. So that’s the context, we hear that phrase in a different tone than men do.
Nothing’s wrong with feeling like a man.
I feel for this post because I’ve been told by bosses that men aren’t used to people like me. They’d get used to it if women weren’t told to dumb themselves down for the poor boys raised on some fabricated ideal of manliness. I don’t like to think of traits or talents being gendered because it’s exclusionary.
When I go in to buy computer parts I still get asked if I’m sure that’s what my boyfriend wants? I never mention a boyfriend, they just assume. I don’t ask for help in hardware stores because nine times out of ten it’s gonna start a whole argument with someone who thinks they know my project better than I do.
I see the same thing happening to guys, saw a dude at a yarn shop get asked if he was gettin supplies for his wife. That sucks, right? It sucks to feel less like who you are because of what you like. That shit keeps up the gender divide because not everyone has the energy to risk feeling a little worse to do the things they enjoy.
So yeah, I’ll never describe an activity as typically male or female.
As it turns out, the things that make a good man are the same things that make a good person.
One is the venom tooth and one is the straw tooth.
The war with AI didn’t start with a gun shot, a bomb or a blow, it started with a Reddit comment.
I knew one that said “Meh” so I assume they all do it.
When he said “Her husband…” and another skink came out, I lost it. I hope they had a wedding. I hope there was a reception. I want to know the guest list.
I just called out “Red Eyed Crocodile Skinks!” to no one. Fucking love these guys. They say “Meh” when you poke 'em.
The left goes low when you threaten their lives, the right goes low when you question their actions.
This is sexist. I know at least two women who’d follow a mysterious voice, baggies and tongs in hand, hoping for more taxidermy material.
I’m not scared of getting pregnant, breaking a bone or being gay, if that’s what you mean. Racism is… slightly better than the US.
Clear-cut facts are dry as hell, too. No emotion, no worldbuilding. Saying “I went to the baseball game this afternoon” is not as engaging as “Scott’s kid hit his first home run today, you should have seen his dad cheer!”