I read it that way too, then did a Searx on the username and saw they use the word ‘woke’. So, just another bootlicker.
I read it that way too, then did a Searx on the username and saw they use the word ‘woke’. So, just another bootlicker.
Not disagreeing, and I upvoted you for a different perspective. I did not see it that way, though I do now.
Like I said, brains are different.
The way I see it the parentheses are good, it the 17x3 that hurts my brain.
It’s already broken down, then gets more complicated by the 17x3. In my mind I now need to separate 17 into 10 and 7 then multiply them each by 3 and add them together, which is where we started in the first place.
Brains are different, that’s how mine goes though.
Dude/ Dudette that’s worse. 7x3=21, 10x3=30, 21+30=492 51
That does less insane to the membrane
Proof that the snails on my citrus seedlings are shitheads.
I use my tablet for site surveys and leave my phone at home or work. It is light to carry, has great battery life, has a sim card, memory slot, headphone jack. When I’m done work I can watch a film. It’s some shitty Samsung thing work gave me, it’s great. I don’t think I would ever buy a tablet myself though.
I do not have a use for a smart watch.
The eggs and butter make it much more expensive though, so the sentiment is similar.
I thought about posting that, or something like this
That archive site gives me a notice of a captcha, but it never completes. This is on mobile.
I don’t know if you can change the icon color, I didn’t try. I have a launcher I like so I immediately switched to that and it let’s me use any icons I want.
I have not had any camera issues on mine, 6a
I never used the stock os or sandboxed play services so I can’t help there.
I use Organic Maps and am fine with it, but mostly I use paper maps. My need for live mapping is very limited. You might want to try GMaps WV https://f-droid.org/packages/us.spotco.maps/
What it is GMaps WV is a WebView wrapper for using Google Maps without exposing your device. more info, including limitations Here
Overall I am happy with GrapheneOS, no issues.
I did something similar a few years ago, but used vermouth (nowhere near as much of course) and added in some Cascara, which is coffee fruit that surrounds the bean. It was quite good.
Well, I certainly hope they use Timothy 2:12 in their teachings. Keep 'em in their place, the kitchen, and I’m sure there are plenty of people from the superior gender who are more qualified.
12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.
Only the Fundy one though, not the real Jeebus.
That’s some kind of communist talk. In the Land of the Free you are your own man. No nanny state telling you what to do. You have options. You can be rich, you can put all your money into a scam bank, which is de facto sanctioned, (and die when they do a rug pull because you no longer have money for life saving, much less preventative care), or you can die. But this was your choice, and you can have a huge truck (N.B. the bank actually owns the truck, but in 5 years you’ll have it paid off).
In reality I left the US years ago and don’t miss it, I do fear for friends though.
People relied on accounts powered by Synapse for everyday expenses like buying groceries and paying rent, or for saving for major life events like home purchases or surgeries.
Gotta love US healthcare
Duct tape of course
It keeps happening too. That wired article is 2018.
This was published at the end of October
You can harvest the transformers for a couple junk microwaves to make an arc welder.
If you aren’t experienced then pretty much all power supplies, battery backups, and motors should be left to someone else.
I saw someone lose a finger (later reattached) to a washing machine with a jammed tub. It was plugged in and on when they reached underneath it and yanked the belt, their sleeve ducked their hand into the drive wheel.
That said, if it fits your personality it can be both fun and satisfying to learn how to fix stuff. I try to teach anyone who’s interested and asks. Except LG washing machines, those things can fuck right off.
No it wasn’t one of those, though I have gotten a surprise from them a few times.
This was a small wall mounted unit with a thermoblock heater. There was no ground of course.
Do any of them go Ping!