I grew up on the Ohio/WV border. This would have made my childhood significantly more interesting lol
I grew up on the Ohio/WV border. This would have made my childhood significantly more interesting lol
Lie. Cheat. Steal. Kill. Win win. (Everybody doing it.)
This is the way. Downvotes are for pseudoscience and bigotry, not harmless differing opinions.
Sure thing, troll ✌️
Yeah object permanence is not strong with mine either. She’ll go into another room, forget I exist, scream, I respond, she’s like, “Oh hey, you’re right where I left you!”
Tiny fuzzy airhead.
Not even that though. Like if my chronic medical condition is adequately treated, I’m able to work, be productive, pay taxes, contribute to the economy, hopefully contribute to my community.
But that would eat into an insurance company’s profits, therefore they’d rather opt to let me die and replace me with a new unit that can pay premiums longer without needing any actual medical care.
The only entity that has a positive financial incentive to pay for the medical care that keeps me healthy is the government.
Medicare for All, now.
I’m not reading the manual of the Uber I’m about to climb into. A firefighter isn’t going to read the manual of a car they’re trying to pry me out of.
I DO read the manual on the Kia I actually drive. To read about the recommendations for the tires. To read about replacing fuses. To find the load hauling capacity. Not how to open the fucking door.
safety shouldn’t influence artistic choice
Did you really just string those words together in all seriousness without a hint of irony? And that folks is exactly why we need the NHTSA.
You’re my new favorite person. Thank you for this.
A child isn’t going to find that. A rescuer who isn’t familiar with Teslas isn’t going to be able to find that.
I couldn’t even figure out how to open a fully functional door from outside the first time I got in a Tesla. I’m an adult who’s been driving my entire life.
That’s not innovation; it’s a safety hazard for the sake of the aesthetics of a handle that doesn’t stick out. I don’t view that as a reasonable trade-off.
Uber wouldn’t have been able to keep customers if big name, well-established taxi companies had really tried to compete with them. Middle aged adults (like me) would not have been inclined to jump into a stranger’s car no matter how cheap it was, if it was just as easy to get a licensed cab.
I can walk to CVS from my house. That’s the main reason I stay at this pharmacy. The staff there know me and I like them. But fuck the corporation for real.
Multiple companies could have pooled resources to fund developing an app that they all used. They have existing inventory, employees, local government connections. They definitely could have outcompeted Uber if they had been able to get their heads out of their asses and even try.
Instead they ignorantly tried to kill Uber by suppressing innovation and service improvements that everyone wanted, which was doomed to fail from the start. They dug their own graves on this one.
Only took the cab companies ten years to catch on to what they should have done as soon as Uber came on the scene. If cab companies had innovated like this, they would have killed Uber in the cradle.
My CVS went through a period at one time where even in person prescription, they would ask me to come back later to pick it up. CVS treats its employees like trash, but apparently customers got mad enough that they finally hired some more people because that hasn’t happened in a while.
I call in a refill on my prescription. It takes them 4 years to fill it. Then they text me every five seconds for the next three days until I pick it up, threatening to throw it into the fires of Mordor if I forget.
Multiples of 3. Multiples of 5 is too large a jump on most systems. Multiples of 3 gives satisfying sound and visuals.
And then they blame it on the Democratic president, so…yes.
Me being a nurse makes me glad I’m bad with regular smells lol
Those people also frustrate the hell out of my aunt with actual celiac disease. She’s basically had to stop eating in restaurants because there’s no real way for her to differentiate between “gluten-free” and “no, no really, we cooked all of this in a completely separate area of the kitchen with dedicated utensils that never come into contact with anything from the other side of the kitchen”
She has a couple of places she can trust, but just trying out new places for funsies is not a thing she could ever do.
MOV. Belpre/Pburg.