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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • Ha, son of a bitch. That is almost exactly what I do. 😆

    There are always vulnerabilities; you can’t make things truly secure, you only make them less insecure.

    All my passwords are longer & stronger, XKCD method, easy to read & type. Granted I don’t have Apple or my password manager generating gibberish passwords for me, takes 20 seconds each, I think them up. Maybe you should try it, too, idk. Leave the gibberish behind. I’m so glad I did.

  • I don’t understand everyone’s surprise, or disgust, or whatever reaction to Starlink & government relations. Like they should be entirely separate all the time & how dare they benefit each other. Has it ever occurred to anyone that a very strong, US-based & ran, worldwide operated internet would very much be in the favor of the United States?? 🤔 No, just me?

    For years, before you all hated Musk, I have considered Starlink & the US interests to be one in the same. It is only natural that US collaborates with Starlink. I’m relatively confident the US government has worked on, refined Starlink for Musk & Starlink team. I mean why not? I’m also sure there are plenty of strings attached to the monies & tax breaks given, like the US government owns their ass. Wasn’t Starlink access basically used as a weapon at one point in the Russia-Ukraine war? Starlink is shield & weapon, the raw power of the internet, exclusively owned & operated by US government & allies.

    It just always amuses me when people say, “And Starlink is getting deals from the government!”…Yeah? Duh?? With what uses I outlined above, I find it hard to believe they wouldn’t get deals.

  • Progress is progress, and it’s good to be skeptical (I literally just posted a comment saying “I’m skeptical”!), but progress is good. 🙂 What other alternatives are there?

    If it doesn’t make dollars, it doesn’t make sense. That’s why the electric car movement is having a hard time really taking off rn; it is hard to justify & all the tech, all our builds, aren’t exactly super economical yet. And they’re not built for tough conditions, heavy towing, long commutes, and easily workable & recyclable components.

    …but things are, indeed, getting better. If you look at it from a macro view. Lithium recycling can be done even a decade ago, but IIRC it was relatively small scale & the lithium could be refreshed “most of the way”, not fully. The right things will catch on when their time is right & its viability is realized.

    Man’s greatest strength is our shared knowledge, technology, science, and innovation. I encourage you to make good decisions in your personal life and be positive. 🙂

  • …what? Who? 🤨 Trump? Of course Trump is heavily invested in Israel; Israel kinda-sorta advances Western culture/values in the Middle East & is massively propped up by the United States. I believe Israel would have a hard time existing without US support.

    Not saying it’s a good or bad thing, but calling it as it is. Trump is, indeed, intimately entwined with Israel.

  • It’s good to be prepared before the need arises. These can be made, unused, put away for a rainy day. Maybe it’ll never be needed.

    This drone stuff is no joke, any dumb terrorist/criminal fuck with a few hundred dollars can get a drone & do terrible things. Evil people can never just be allowed to have the upper hand, with no countermeasures.

    Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.

    In any case…it’s either stuff like this, or jamming propellers, or steel birdshot. We’ve all seen the Ukrainian drone footage.

  • Not quite as sold on it as the rest of the internet. Personally. About 5-6 years ago, people started bleeping every single goddamn word that could in any way be construed as troublesome, triggering, or any word directly tied to a controversial topic.

    “Kll, rpe, mrder, pssy, dck, a**hole, fck, cndm, scde, terrrst, rtrd, gy, fgt, gncde,” I mean the list just goes on and on and ON & there’s no real objective standard. Everyone enforces the asterisks on a whim, just how they feel that day, and suddenly an article becomes a round on Wheel of Fortune. I’d like to buy a vowel, please??

    Then cvid hit, and everybody’s talking about vccnes, the shot, the jab, the Fauci ouchie, etc. Vaxx. 🙄

    Idk I’m just over it, I say the words. Except for “the n-word” and other overtly racial slurs. I can’t fully articulate my reasoning behind this; like you, I’m going to have to think on it. But I just view it as political correctness, controlling words & controlling, restricting conversation about uncomfortable topics to game things in their favor. Hijacking Christian values like decency & submission, manipulating their emotions to railroad their thinking into the mainstream. Idk. I’m just…pro-free speech & anti-whatever the fuck you want to call this nonsense.

    You can be pro-free speech, and not censor the words, and people will still be subject to the consequences of their speech. 🙂